
Fun with Ares!

March 15th, 2007 by | Tags: , , , , ,

Ares, God of War, is a pretty awesome guy. At least, he was in the last year and a half. The dude lit himself on fire and had Hercules throw him into the middle of an army of Japanese zombie demons while firing a gun on the way down.

If that doesn’t get you membership into the Avengers, nothing will. So I was jazzed when I found out he’d be in Bendis’ Mighty Avengers. I also dug the scene that leads up to his membership, where Iron Man and Ms. Marvel discuss their need for a Thor-type and a Wolverine-type. Ms. Marvel takes a second away from being a lying bitch to suggest a guy who borrows a little from both guys.

I saw a lot of potential in this bit. Now you have to pay for it.

– Fun with Ares: Take One

– Fun with Ares: Take Two

– Fun with Ares: Take Three

– Fun with Ares: Take Four

– Fun with Ares: Take Five

– Fun with Ares: Take Six

– Fun with Ares: Take Seven

– Fun with Ares: Take Eight

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6 comments to “Fun with Ares!”

  1. #4: “Shih Tzu.” “Shiatsu” is a type of massage.

    Unless *I’m* ruining the moment by not getting the joke.

  2. Shitzu is a kind of dog…

  3. I blame Microsoft Word and its spellchecking.

  4. Let’s just assume that Ms. Marvel may have extensive SHIELD training, but the bitch can’t spell.

    Take eight is sooo wrong, but sooo funny.

  6. Paul Dini: “I know someone who is a black guy AND a Green Lantern.”