This Week in Panels: Week 17
January 17th, 2010 by Gavok |Two Secret Six comics by Simone/Ostrander in a row?! I must have good karma.

Adventure Comics #6
Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul
Amazing Spider-Man #617
Joe Kelly, Max Fiumara and Javier Pulido
Batgirl #6
Bryan Q. Miller and Lee Garbett
Booster Gold #28
Dan Jurgens, Matthew Sturges and Mike Norton
Invincible Iron Man #22
Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca
Magog #5
Keith Giffen and Howard Porter
Punisher MAX #3
Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon
Secret Six #17
Gail Simone, John Ostrander and J. Calafiore
Spider-Man & The Secret Wars #2
Paul Tobin and Patrick Scherberger
S.W.O.R.D. #3
Kieron Gillen and Steven Sanders
You’re welcome for not using any of the “naked old lady” panels from Punisher MAX.
“You’re welcome for not using any of the “naked old lady” panels from Punisher MAX.”
I’d thank you but the idea that you considered it disturbs me.
I just cannot believe that Magog has his own comic. Part of me wants to check it out based on the fact that I like Giffen and I have some morbid curiosity about what a Magog comic would actually be about.
And then part of me really doesn’t want to read a comic about Magog.
To me, Magog is just Ares without the “Hey, you know who I am, don’t you?” factor. He acts like the same competent military hardass with a mythological edge, but he gets more flak for it because he doesn’t have a reputation to base his actions on. I like him.
So, uh, hate to be “that guy” but, well…
You heard about SWORD being cancelled? Just wanted to make sure you knew.
Bit of a bummer.