What If Countdown Crap: A Call for Artists
October 15th, 2006 by Gavok | Tags: countdown, iron fist, rap, spider-man, what ifSo right now, The Top 100 What If Countdown is winding down. It’s almost obligatory that by the time this is over, I’m going to have to make some kind of epilogue post that includes my own ideas for what could make for decent What If issues. I mean, I’ve read every issue of that thing and spent 3 months so far talking about how many times the Phoenix has gone crazy and blown up the universe. You have to trust me to have some insight here.
Anyway, there have to be some readers out there who are either artists, or know an artist who needs something to do. While writing my own 1-2 paragraph What If concept summaries could possibly be amusing, it would be even better if I can toss in some actual cover images for these made-up issues. Like, for example, the first cover of Power Man and Iron Fist, only Iron Fist running replaced with Spider-Man swinging and Jameson tossed into the background collage. Something like that.
So if there is anyone curious and possibly willing to do a cover or two, email me at jaguartooth (at) gmail dot com.
okay guys, I’ve already sent one in. Let’s get at least 3 or 4 of em so we can show the world just how big of a bunch of nerds we are!
But Phoenix ALWAYS goes crazy and blows up the universe. It’s like a y’know, law or whatever.
Does it have to be GOOD artwork?