This Week in Panels: Week 191
May 19th, 2013 by Gavok | Tags: injustice, mega man, panels, sonic the hedgehog
Thank God Gaijin Dan is back because without him, this would be the shortest ThWiP update since the time Marvel and DC only released one comic each. I’m also helped out by Space Jawa and Matlock.
Of the few comics I read this week, I was genuinely surprised by Supergirl. It was right about to get chopped off my list, but this issue was rather charming and fun. Plus it transforms the AI that controls Supergirl’s home into the New 52 version of one of my favorite DC characters, so that’s a plus.
Wow, three manga images above the cut. That’s never happened.

Bleach #536
Tite Kubo
Blue Exorcist #46
Kazue Kato
Cross Manage #32
Dragon Ball Z #14
Akira Toriyama
Injustice: Gods Among Us #18 (Matlock’s pick)
Tom Taylor and Jheremy Raapack
Injustice: Gods Among Us #18 (Gavin’s pick)
Tom Taylor and Jheremy Raapack
Masashi Kishimoto
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #7
Heather Nuhfer and Amy Mebberson
Naruto #629
Masashi Kishimoto
Nisekoi #73
Naoshi Komi
One Piece #708
Eiichiro Oda
One-Punch Man #16
ONE and Yusuke Murata
Sonic Universe #52 (Gavin’s pick)
Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley
Sonic Universe #52 (Jawa’s pick)
Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley
Supergirl #20
Michael Alan Nelson and Mahmud Asrar
Toriko #232
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Thunderbolts #9
Daniel Way and Phil Noto
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23
Brian Michael Bendis and Dave Marquez
Wonder Woman #20
Brian Azzarello, Goran Sudzuka and Cliff Chiang
World Trigger #13
Daisuke Ashihara
Fitting that I’m in the middle of writing about all those fighting game endings because today Arc Systems just revealed that we’re finally getting a new Guilty Gear game. Check out the footage for some impressive 3D animation. Yes, that is 3D and not drawn sprites!
Ponies, anime, and Marvel comics.
What the hell happened to this site? Used to be cool, now THWIP is filled with crap comics.
@REMEMBER ME: Haha, yeah! Remember when I NEVER read Marvel comics? Those were the days.
Wait, what?
Ivan Vanko wasn’t the creator of the Crimson Dynamo.
ANTON Vanko was.
I just mean that Marvel is on a huge creative slump since Disney bought them. Like Mike P mentioned above – that’s a HUGE error, shocked they put that into print.
But I guess with the Mouse running them, they don’t care about those kind of mistakes. A real shame.
I fondly remember reading my uncle’s collections of Spider-man, Avengers, and all the flavours of the X-men rainbow from the 70s to early 90s when I was little, and I can confidently say based on these hazy recollections that comic books have always been ridiculous and mostly crappy and either hopelessly shackled to continuity or busy bulldozing it.
It’s just like music. “All these modern things suck” only lasts as long as it takes everyone to forget all the crappy bits and edify the shiny ones.
@REMEMBER ME: I’ll fully admit that I only read Thunderbolts because of the “Deadpool and Venom are on a team!” aspect and because Way is already on his way out of the book in a month or so anyway. That said, there isn’t a huge creative slump on the whole. Marvel’s been pretty great lately. Avengers, New Avengers, Young Avengers, Scarlet Spider, Venom, Ultimate Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Deadpool, Red She-Hulk and Indestructible Hulk are all fantastic and while I don’t read them, I’ve heard a lot of good stuff about FF, Gambit, Thor and Daredevil. Even Loeb’s Nova is supposedly decent and I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read of All-New X-Men.
Is there crap? Always. Event comics will always be terrible and Dan Slott’s Spider-Man stuff does nothing for me. But I don’t think Dan Slott has been mind-controlled by the Nazi ghost of Walt Disney to be a mediocre writer or whatever it is you’re suggesting.
DC, on the other hand, has been spiraling into car wreck territory.
A single error doesn’t quite equate with a “creative slump”, nor am I shocked that a comic book writer made an easy-to-make mistake.
Disney has nothing to do with comic book writers not doing enough research- that’s been happening for DECADES.
All I know is Marvel has had some issues in the past with research, but it’s been much much worse as of late.
Rule #1 as a comic book writer is you must adhere to continuity. If you make a mistake, you must explain why (retcons are okay but you must thoroughly explain why something was done).
Roy Thomas
@REMEMBER ME: I really haven’t notice many mistakes. Even so, that’s not the same as Marvel being in a big slump because of the big, nasty corporation.
I’d say Marvel’s output now is actually stronger than it’s been in years. I also have no idea what the mistake referenced above is (and if it involves continuity, I won’t be particularly bothered by it when I do learn what it is; slavish adherence to past continuity is often a hindrance for shared universe comics).
Also, since no one else did, I’ll defend manga as well. I’d rather read a One Piece volume than anything from Marvel or DC, no matter the year. Just because it’s not to your taste doesn’t mean it’s not well produced, and that others aren’t fans of it.
Ok, since I reread the comments I do see where the continuity error is. That’s not a huge error. That’s trivial, and I imagine that aside from a few dedicated fans that no one cares about that sort of a slip-up.
Why all the bickering? Guilty Gear is back baby, oh yeah. Hope my main man Zappa is in it.
@Daniel: Yeah, One Piece is a masterpiece!!