This Year in Panels: Year 3
September 18th, 2012 by Gavok | Tags: panelsDamn. Three years… So yeah, it’s been three years of This Week in Panels. Because of that, it’s time for This Year in Panels (“ThYiP” doesn’t have the same ring to it). The idea is to take a panel from the last 52 updates while making sure not to use the same title twice. It means not being able to use “TO ME, MY GALACTUS!” from Fantastic Four but what can you do?

All-Star Western #9
Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, Moritat and Patrick Scherberger
Avengers Academy #25
Christos Gage and Tom Grummett
Avenging Spider-Man #2
Zeb Wells and Joe Madureira
Axe Cop: President of the World #1
Malachai Nicolle and Ethan Nicolle
Batman #10
Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, James Tynion IV and Rafael Albuquerque
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #16
Sholly Fisch, Rick Burchett and Dan Davis
Blue Exorcist #33
Kazue Kato
The Boys #68
Garth Ennis and Russ Braun
Captain America and Bucky #623
Ed Brubaker, Marc Andreyko and Chris Samnee
Captain Atom #3
J.T. Krul and Freddie Williams II
Carnage USA #4
Zeb Wells and Clayton Crain
Chew #21
John Layman and Rob Guillory
Daredevil #17
Mark Waid and Michael Allred
DC Universe Presents #5 (Deadman)
Paul Jenkins and Bernard Chang
Deadpool MAX #12
David Lapham and Kyle Baker
Defenders #5
Matt Fraction and Mitch Breitweiser
Dial H #0
China Mieville and Riccardo Burchielli
Ducktales #6
Warren Spector, Ian Brill, James Silvani, and Jose Massaroli
Fantastic Four #601
Jonathan Hickman and Steve Epting
Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force #3
Rob Williams and Simone Bianchi
FF #14
Jonathan Hickman and Juan Bobillo
Flash Gordon #1
Eric Trautmann, Alex Ross and Daniel Indro
The Goon #38
Eric Powell
Green Lantern #2
Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
I, Vampire #12
Joshua Hale Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentino
Incorruptible #23
Mark Waid and Marcio Takara
Incredible Hulk #8
Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon
Invincible #90
Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley
Journey Into Mystery #641
Kieron Gillen and Richard Elson
Mega Man #17
Ian Flynn and Chad Thomas
One Piece #663
Eiichiro Oda
Punisher MAX #21
Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon
Scarlet Spider #4
Chris Yost and Ryan Stegman
Secret Avengers #24
Rick Remender and Gabriel Hardman
Shade #2
James Robinson and Cully Hamner
Spider-Men #4
Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli
Spongebob Comics FCBD
Derek Drymon, Gregg Schigiel and Ramona Fradon
Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead #1
Tom Taylor and Chris Scalf
Swamp Thing #5
Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Microseries: Donatello
Brian Lynch, Tom Waltz and Valerio Schiti
Tiny Titans #45
Art Baltazar and Franco
Thunderbolts #174
Jeff Parker and Declan Shalvey
Ultimate Spider-Man #7
Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Samnee
Ultimates #12
Sam Humphries, Jonathan Hickman, Luke Ross, Ron Garney and Butch Guice
Uncanny X-Force #18
Rick Remender, Jerome Opena and Esad Ribic
Uncanny X-Men #13
Kieron Gillen and Billy Tan
Unwritten #32.5
Mike Carey and Peter Gross
Venom #14
Rick Remender and Tony Moore
Walking Dead #100
Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard
Winter Soldier #2
Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice
Wolverine and the X-Men #15
Jason Aaron and Jorge Molina
Wonder Woman #10
Brian Azzarello, Kano and Tony Akins
A million thanks to David, Was Taters, Space Jawa, Jody, Gaijin Dan, Nawid, Brobe, luis and anyone else I’ve forgotten. And thanks to you reader types who have for some reason made ThWiP a strong traffic magnet for the last however many years I’ve been doing this 3 years I’ve been doing this.
3 years & it’s still great. Thanks folks. One day I’ll have to dust off the scanner & contribute something myself.