This Week in Panels: Week 157
September 23rd, 2012 by Gavok | Tags: panelsAfter last week’s ACTION PACKED end-of-year-three spectacular, it’s a pretty small week. Partially because my only backup is Gaijin Dan supplying the manga dose.
This weekend I saw Dredd 3D. The movie is entirely awesome and wipes away the stink of “YOUBETRAYEDDALAAAAAAU!!” The whole thing is like some kind of cyberpunk mix of Raid: Redemption and Punisher War Zone and it’s hard not to love. Plus the aftermath of the gattling guns scene is easily the most badass thing I’ve seen in any movie in YEARS.
See it while you still can. Sadly, it’s doing shitty in the box office and that puts a damper on any plans on a sequel.

Avengers Academy #37
Christos Gage and Tom Grummett
Barrage #15
Kouhei Horikoshi
Bleach #505
Tite Kubo
Captain Atom #0
JT Krul and Freddie Williams II
Dark Avengers #181
Jeff Parker and Neil Edwards
Green Lantern: New Guardians #0
Tony Bedard, Aaron Kuder and Andrei Bressan
Mighty Thor #20
Matt Fraction, Kieron Gillen and Alan Davis
Naruto #599
Masashi Kishimoto
One Piece #679
Eiichiro Oda
Spider-Men #5
Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli
Supergirl #0
Michael Green, Mike Johnson and Mahmud Asrar
Takama-ga-hara #8
Jyuuzou Kawai
Toriko #201
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Ultimate Spider-Man #15
Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez
Venom #25
Cullen Bunn and Thony Silas
Wonder Woman #0
Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang
Sad to see Captain Atom go. Despite starring the blandest of the heavy hitters and being written by one of the worse DC writers, the whole series has been a surprisingly solid read. I might need to do a 4 Elements on that one of these days.
Now, then. Here’s Erock rocking so hard that about 1:05 in he’s amazed by how much he rocks.
Sorry, sir. Meant to send a few. I am blaming this weeks illness on leaving me scatter brained.