RIP Robert L Washington III
June 6th, 2012 by david brothers | Tags: dwayne mcduffie, john paul leon, robert washington iiiI don’t know a lot about Robert Washington III. I do know, though, that he helped bring one of my most important characters to life: Static. Washington (and Dwayne McDuffie and John Paul Leon) created a book that hit me right where I needed it, right when I needed it. I wish I knew more about him.
Sad news.Comics writer Robert Washington (Milestone comics’ Static) passed away today after suffering a heart attack yesterday. He was 47.
— Chris Sotomayor (@SotoColor) June 7, 2012
Twitter’s reporting that he died today, 47 years old.
It really, really bums me out that two out of the three guys who first put Static to paper are dead now. McDuffie died last year, and he was just 49.
Dwayne McDuffie co-wrote Static #1. You can find his work in the sublime Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons. Robert Washington III co-wrote Static #1. You can find his work in the recent Static Shock: Rebirth of the Cool reprint, or the first year or so of Static. John Paul Leon penciled Static #1. He drew one of the best comics I’ve ever read in collaboration with Brett Lewis, The Winter Men.
Give some thought to donating to the Hero Initiative. They help out creators in need.
Here’s Washington’s last comic, from Hero Comics 2012 from a week or two ago:

Thanks for the memories.
Last year my mom passed away and since then my dad has been cleaning house. One of the things he found recently and brought over was a huge Ziploc bag of Milestone trading cards. I had gotten them at a Heroes Con the year Milestone debuted. Milestone had a huge booth at the con and I spent hours there all three days with my then wife chatting with all the creators and most of all Robert L. Washington III. We made fun of Luke Cage and talked comics. He was nice enough to get almost everyone at the booth to autograph at least one card and he and John Paul Leon signed all the cards they had something to do with. I thought Static was easily the best teen comics since Spider-Man. I wish I had more of an effort to keep up with his career.
RIP RObert L Washington III
i talked to him a bit before on CBR, seemed like a cool dude
both of the autobio stories from that HERO special borke my heart, and to hear this so soon after (it was honestly my first experience with robert, i wasnt familiar with him before) is just brutal. thoughts out to his family.
really sad. RIP.
OH NO wait who the last person to work on static? clearly they are targeting the guys so that they could buy out and milk the character with less argument like with Jack Kirby. My bet is they try to do this on Alan but he immortal and only made him angrier.