This Week in Panels: Week 121
January 15th, 2012 by Gavok | Tags: adam west, Deathstroke, panelsGotta make this quick. I have a headache, I feel like crap and I have to wake up early. But on a lighter note, I won a free Nook Tablet at work and that absolutely rules.
Helped out this week by Was Taters, Space Jawa and my buddy Jody. All sorts of varied comic book stuff via the lot of us. No overlaps or nothing.

Amazing Spider-Man #677
Mark Waid and Emma Rios
Batman and Robin #5
Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Batwoman #5
J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman
Captain America #7
Ed Brubaker and Alan Davis
Carnage USA #2
Zeb Wells and Clayton Crain
Deadpool #49
Daniel Way, Salva Espin and Scott Koblish
Deathstroke #5
Kyle Higgins and Joe Bennett
Demon Knights #5
Paul Cornell and Diogenes Neves
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #5
Jeff Lemire, Dan DiDio and Alberto Ponticelli
Green Lantern #5
Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
Grifter #5
Nathan Edmondson and Scott Clark
Incredible Hulk #4
Jason Aaron and Whilce Portacio
Invincible #87
Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley
Journey Into Mystery #633
Kieron Gillen and Richard Elson
The Mis-Adventures of Adam West #2
Reed Lackey and V Ken Marion
The Mis-Adventures of Adam West #3
Reed Lackey and V Ken Marion
Punisher MAX #21
Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon
Resurrection Man #5
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Fernando Blanco
Scarlet Spider #1
Christopher Yost and Ryan Stegman
Secret Avengers #21
Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen
Shade #4
James Robinson and Darwyn Cooke
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire: Iron Eclipse #2
John Ostrander and Stephane Roux
Suicide Squad #5
Adam Glass and Federico Dallocchio
Ultimate X-Men #6
Nick Spencer, Paco Medina and Carlo Barberi
Unwritten #33
Mike Carey and Peter Gross
Wolverine and the X-Men #4
Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw
The Adam West comic would strangely be sort of decent if it had a more consistant art style. The concept behind it almost works, but not quite. Still, I got to keep at it because it’s too strange to exist. There’s even a panel that shows his portrayal as a 60’s masked superhero, only they made a couple design edits to keep it legal.
DC Comics, meanwhile, helped drop my pull list by three books this week. I understand the cancellations of OMAC and Static Shock, but putting Rob Liefeld on Deathstroke as both writer and artist while giving him two other comics to work on after his current one has sunk like a stone is some serious WCW shit.
…I didn’t make this quick.
I loved the art in Frankenstein #5. Ponticelli lost his goddamn mind with the Frank/OMAC battle. I just wished the fight lasted longer to see what he would do next.
Man never thought to see franken wade and Ice Terminator. Now I kinda want to unsee.
I was going to skip the spider-man part of the daredevil crossover. I might have to reconsider.
Is Scarlet Spider bleaching his hair again? What a dumb disguise. I always thought if they brought back a Spider-Clone he should shave his head, grow a massive beard, and wear Clark Kent glasses. Maybe get some tattoos.
Gav, no truer words were ever said about DC and Liefield… He gets 3 more books and John Rozum isn’t getting squat…
How does THAT work????? :raise:
Wait, what the hell does Spider-Man need with grips? Webs are sticky.