The Summerslam Countdown: Day Nine
September 3rd, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: bill goldberg, chris jericho, edge, kevin nash, randy orton, shawn michaels, summerslam, triple h, undertaker, wrestling, wweWell, I needed a bit of a writing break to recharge my batteries and that pesky hurricane gave me little choice in the matter. Anyway, I’m back and I’m ready to finish what I’ve started. In other wrestling news, Rifftrax has released a new video on demand where they tackle the Jesse Ventura early 90’s movie Abraxas: Guardian of the Universe. It’s like a cross between Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Jack Kirby’s Fourth World, only completely and utterly boring. And with Jim Belushi as a principal only because the lead woman was his wife at the time!
Highly recommended.
Now back to the list.
Date: August 24, 2003
Era: Crossover Era
Location: America West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona
Known as: That one with the Elimination Chamber
It’s been a time of returns. A year earlier, Shawn Michaels had return from what was once believed to be a career-ending injury. Kevin Nash had returned to Jackknife everyone in his way. Brock Lesnar had returned to his roots as a monster heel. But most importantly, Bill Goldberg had returned to the ring in his first and only year in the WWE. Triple H has the World Heavyweight Championship and has his work cut out for him as he has to defend it in the nefarious Elimination Chamber. His opponents include Chris Jericho and Kevin Nash, who have been feuding with each other. There’s Shawn Michaels, who is the only man to have won such a match. There’s Randy Orton, who has orders to protect Triple H at all costs – though perhaps opportunity knocks? And last but not least, there’s Goldberg. Who’s next? A group of five, apparently.
The Atmosphere
There’s a weird “For whom the bell tolls” intro to set up the main event. Nothing too special. Like with the previous Survivor Series, which introduced the Elimination Chamber concept, everyone in the match is shown getting ready for the match. Goldberg’s got himself an iPod, which takes away from his badass persona just a little. Orton gets a little antsy about the possibility of becoming champion and tries to ask about what would happen if Triple H was to get eliminated before him, to which Triple H insists, “No what if.” Jonathan Coachman interviews some fans who are all pro-Goldberg. Before the match, Flair gives one hell of a pep talk to Triple H about how all he’s doing is giving the ref the belt. After the match, it’ll be back in his hands like nothing happened.
Elsewhere, we have Eric Bischoff playing off an angle where he sexually assaulted Linda McMahon. Christian confronts him and acts offended that he’s not the card and even offers to help him in his match, but Bischoff politely talks him down. Then when Christian asks about the Linda situation, Bischoff goes from annoyed to smug and talkative. Later on, Linda appears and slaps him, showing off what a terrible actress she really is.
The Matches
Our opener is one of the two things keeping this show from reaching the upper echelon. It’s La Resistance (Renee Dupree and Sylvan Grenier) defending the WWE Tag Team Championship against the Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley). A few days before watching this, I saw Sylvan Grenier used as a punchline as a terrible wrestler and I didn’t think much of it. I really never did remember much about his matches. He seemed so mundane that he never left an impression. Sweet Jesus is he terrible in this match. There’s bad chemistry all around and I can’t help but place the blame on him.
D-Von strangles Dupree with his jacket and kicks him around until being pushed into the heel corner, where the tide turns. D-Von makes a comeback, tags Bubba in and we get more of the two Dudleys dealing with two wrestlers too green to be on a PPV, let alone be champions. Bubba hits a Bubba Bomb on Grenier, tags in D-Von and soon after the heels overpower and double-team him. They give him a double uranage and he kicks out. The Dudleys deliver a “Whassap!” headbutt FOR AMERICA and Bubba shouts at D-Von to get to the tables. Not so fast, guys. They duck a clothesline and give Dupree a Dudley Death Drop. With the ref not looking, a cameraman (revealed to be new guy Rob Conway) runs in and hits D-Von with the camera. He puts Dupree over D-Von and the ref counts the pin. Afterwords, Spike Dudley runs in and gets knocked out with the camera. Not a good way to start the show.
But at least I can always remember Rob Conway’s theme song to help my mood.
That’s better.
Undertaker takes on A-Train, which isn’t all that bad. Then again, I like Albert. I just wish they didn’t have to gross us out with his A-Train appearance. Sable accompanies him, running her fingers through his body hair and playing with his nipples. Still better than watching Grenier! They’re evenly matched to start until Undertaker procures a Russian Leg Sweep. He runs into an elbow and counters a backdrop by DDTing A-Train. He does Old School, makes a run at A-Train and ends up missing and tumbling over the top rope. A-Train works on his ribs and the excitement dies down a lot. As he works him over, he does perform a pretty nice vertical suplex. Undertaker lashes out with a sudden punch flurry, drops A-Train with Snake Eyes, misses the follow-up boot and the two clothesline each other down. Undertaker gets up and works on A-Train, but can’t put him away. He hits some more of his trademarks, then tries for the Last Ride. A-Train shoves him into the ref and then delivers a Baldo Bomb. Undertaker gets a shoulder up. Again, Undertaker accidentally knocks out the ref and afterwards eats a Bicycle Kick. A-Train gets a chair and walks right into having that chair kicked into his face. The ref clears the cobwebs and only gets a two-count. A-Train escapes a Tombstone, but falls prey to a chokeslam and is pinned. After the match, he sets up for the Last Ride once again, but Sable saves A-Train by seducing Undertaker. Undertaker doesn’t take to this and chokes her. Stephanie McMahon runs in and starts a catfight with Sable until A-Train pulls his lady out of the ring and leaves with her.
Next up is the other reason this show is held down, as Shane McMahon fights Eric Bischoff. Bischoff starts with a promo about how he banged Linda McMahon until Shane comes out and immediately pummels him. Bischoff tries to escape, but no go. Shane beats on him and keeps breaking the count so he can keep assaulting him outside the ring. The Coach turns heel by hitting Shane with a chair from behind and off-camera. Bischoff steals the bell before the match can be ended and declares that it’s now no-DQ and no-count outs. Bischoff asks Coach, “Why don’t you introduce that piece of shit to the stairs!” and he obliges. Shane kicks out of the pin and Bischoff decides to have some fun with this. He asks that the sound guys turn off Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler’s commentary, allowing only Coach to commentate while in the ring. It gets really stupid as Bischoff delivers thrust kick after thrust kick. It goes on forever and although Shane is able to fight back, Coach silences him with a low blow.
The glass shatters and Stone Cold storms out. While he’s the co-GM of Raw with Bischoff, he isn’t allowed to attack anyone unless physically provoked. To play on that, Coach does the, “Not touching you!” shtick until Shane shoves Coach into Austin. Austin stomps a mudhole into him and tells the sound guys to bring back Ross and Lawler’s commentary. Shane calls Austin over and picks up Bischoff. Grabbing Bischoff by the arm, Shane slaps Austin across the face with Bischoff’s hand. Stunner. Shane decides not to pin him just yet, places him on a table, jumps off the top rope and drives Bischoff through a table. He pins him and wins back his family’s honor. The ending is pretty okay, but everything before it reeks.
This is when the show kicks into gear. Eddie Guerrero defends the United States Championship against Tajiri, Rhyno and Chris Benoit in a Fatal Four-Way Match, which the announcer introduces twice for some reason. Eddie hands the belt over to the ref, then hops out of the ring, deciding to play it safe. Rhyno attacks Benoit and gets taken down into a Crippler Crossface early on. Eddie gets back in there and kicks him off. For the next few minutes, he repeats this strategy, staying outside the ring until someone’s about to win, then comes back in. After a while, the other three grow tired and destroy him in a joint effort. It’s incredibly fast-paced with a lot of broken pins. Eddie removes Rhyno from the ring, suplexes Benoit out and we get a really good mixing up between Eddie and Tajiri. Eddie puts Tajiri in the Lasso from El Paso and at the same time Benoit puts Rhyno in the Crippler Crossface as if it’s a race to see who can make who tap first. Tajiri gets the rope, so Eddie lets go and goes after Benoit. He’s reversed into a Crippler Crossface, but Rhyno makes the save.
Benoit begins to get the best of everyone in the ring until getting suplexed by Tajiri. He kicks out of the bridge pin and gets put in the Tarantula. Rhyno Goars into Eddie, but Eddie’s holding the belt, so Rhyno ends up hurting from the impact. There’s a lot of exchanges, including Benoit nailing the diving headbutt on Eddie and having Tajiri stop the pin, but it ends with Benoit and Tajiri brawling out of the ring while Eddie finishes off Rhyno with the Frog Splash. Finally, this show’s getting somewhere!
The good feelings continue as Kurt Angle defends the WWE Championship against Brock Lesnar. They start it up with some mat wrestling accompanied with some great impact. Brock moves onto using his superior power, but Angle answers all the strength-based moves with wrestling counters. Brock throws a tantrum, steals Angle’s belt and storms away. Angle attacks him and they bring it back into the ring. The action leads to Brock suddenly picking Angle up and press slamming him out of the ring. Brock throws Angle around and another press slam is turned into a roll-up. Brock breaks out and gets Angle with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. These two have some of the all-time best chemistry, showing through as Angle has every comeback snuffed out by the bigger and badder Brock. One of the cooler moments is that Brock mixes a Fisherman Suplex with the British Bulldog-style delayed vertical suplex. Really nice. Brock screws up by running his own shoulder into the corner post, followed on by Angle shoulderblocking Brock multiple times. After he delivers three German Suplexes, the match goes back and forth. An Angle Slam is reversed into a spinebuster. Angle kicks out.
Brock picks him up for the F5 and it gets reversed into a DDT. Brock won’t stay down. Angle pulls down the straps and gets the Angle Slam. Brock kicks out again. The Angle Lock is locked on and although Brock reaches the ropes, he’s pulled back in. Brock rolls Angle into the ref, buying him an out. Brock tries a backdrop and it’s countered into an upside-down sleeper hold, transitioned into the Angle Lock. Even though Brock gets the rope, there’s no ref to make Angle break the hold, so Brock begins to tap out of desperation. Vince McMahon comes out and hits Angle with a chair. Angle and Brock get up at the same time and Brock makes the move by delivering an F5 off one leg. Angle kicks out. Another F5 is countered into the Angle Lock and this time Angle has him. No matter what Brock tries, he gets pulled in again and again. This time he has no choice but to tap. Vince runs back in with the chair, but gets his just desserts by being Angle Slammed onto it.
The next match ain’t so bad either. The newly-unmasked Kane goes up against Rob Van Dam in a No Holds Barred Match. Kane starts out completely dominant, bringing the fight to the outside. Kane throws RVD back in and also brings in a ladder. RVD thinks quick and jumps down on the ladder, causing a see-saw effect that smashes Kane in the face. From there, he’s on fire. He hits a kick off the top rope and kicks his way out of a chokeslam. A crossbody knocks the both of them over the top rope and RVD keeps on the offense. He jumps to the top rope and gets shoved off into the guardrail down below. Kane jousts a ladder into RVD’s face. RVD makes a comeback, using his acrobatics to stun Kane, but it doesn’t last as Kane punches him off the apron. RVD fights back with the ladder and gets DDT’d for his troubles. Kane picks up the steel steps and runs with them, only to be caught with a drop toe-hold. RVD crotches Kane on the guardrail and does a spinning Guillotine Legdrop. Back in the ring, RVD nails Kane with Rolling Thunder with a chair. Kane sits up and RVD sends him back down with a dropkick while holding that chair. He sets up the Van Terminator and misses. He tries to save face with a crossbody from off the apron, but gets caught and is taken out with a Tombstone on the steps. The pin is merely elementary.
That leaves the main event of Triple H defending the World Heavyweight Championship against Bill Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton in an Elimination Chamber Match. Our opening duo is previous winner Michaels and Jericho. They each try for some quick pin attempts, with neither succeeding. Soon they end up slapping each other silly while the crowd chants for Goldberg. The Walls of Jericho is turned into a roll-up, which he escapes. A Lionsault misses, but he lands on his feet anyway. Jericho begins to climb the ropes in the corner of Goldberg’s pod as the countdown is happening, adding a lot of great tension. Instead, it’s Orton who comes in at #3. He gets Michaels with a top-rope crossbody and we mostly get Orton vs. Jericho. Orton grabs Michaels for the RKO and instead gets shoved off into Jericho, who backdrops Orton out of the ring. Michaels dropkicks at Jericho, gets caught and is put in the Walls of Jericho. Nash comes out next, slams Orton into the cage like he was nothing and then targets his rival Jericho. He picks him up and throws him into the cage like a lawn dart, then rubs his head into the chains until Jericho’s all cut open. Nash dominates against the three opponents and picks up Jericho for the Jackknife. While he’s in mid-move, Michaels nails him with Sweet Chin Music and pins him. We’re down one man.
Triple H comes out next and walks right into Sweet Chin Music. Out of anger, Nash Jackknifes Jericho, followed by Jackknifing Orton before leaving in a huff. Michaels tries pinning the two, but they each get their feet on the ropes. These three weakly duke it out until the final countdown sends Goldberg out of his pod. Yeah, it isn’t even fair at this point. Goldberg punches down everyone, does a press powerslam on Orton, double clotheslines Jericho and Michaels, Spears Orton and pins him. Jericho uses the distraction to set up for a Missile Dropkick, but Goldberg kicks out. Goldberg throws him into the cage, then Spears him through one of the pods. Michaels has slightly better luck, able to actually hit the top-rope elbow. Then Goldberg ducks Sweet Chin Music and Spears him. A Jackhammer follows it and Michaels is pinned. Another Spear on Jericho, a Jackhammer and we’re down to Goldberg vs. Triple H. Flair tries to keep the pod door shut, but Goldberg kicks it open, grabs Triple H and pulls him out. Triple H gets busted open from having his head rubbed against the chains and although he gets a brief spurt of offense in there, Goldberg clotheslines him back down. Goldberg runs at him for the Spear, but Triple H pulls a sledgehammer from seemingly thin air and clobbers him with it. A replay shows that Flair slid it to him from outside the cage. Triple H pins Goldberg to retain, then Flair and Orton join in on beating Goldberg down. Hey, to me it’s a happy ending! Really fun match, though not quite as good as the first Elimination Chamber match.
Date: August 17, 2008
Era: Cena Era
Location: Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana
Known as: That one with Cena vs. Batista
It’s a strange show when the two top titles are upstaged by not one, but two matches. While CM Punk is proving to JBL that his run as champion is more than a fluke and Triple H has to contend with the Great Khali, we’re finally getting the big dream match of the era. For years, John Cena and Batista have been separated, stuck on different shows without the ability to face one another, outside of that one Royal Rumble final. Now, the two mega-faces get to see just who’s the best. Meanwhile, Edge’s insanity and selfishness has led to a final battle against the man who hates him more than anything, the Undertaker. The battleground? Hell in a Cell.
The Atmosphere
To hype up the big superface vs. superface match, they introduce the show with a movie trailer that puts Cena and Batista in larger-than-life action roles. It doesn’t last long, though, as it shifts away to hype the Edge vs. Undertaker match. The whole Summerslam set-up is based on Hollywood and movie star glamour, coming off as one of the event’s best layouts. Backstage, Santino and Beth Phoenix mock Maria for not being in Beth’s league when it comes to being Santino’s woman. For some reason they choose to waste time on having the fans vote on whether or not Edge and Vickie Guerrero should get divorced.
The best non-wrestling part of the show is Shawn Michaels making a retirement speech. Due to a match with a newly-turned heel Chris Jericho, Michaels got his eye fucked up, giving him that weird cross-eyed appearance he’s had ever since. He’s out there with his wife and gets really emotional until Jericho walks out and demands that Michaels say that it was Jericho who ended his career. Michaels tells him that Jericho will never be Shawn Michaels, which causes Jericho to take a swing at him. He misses and NAILS Michaels’ wife instead. He leaves the ring, kind of spooked over what he did and you can tell the punch really connected due to the swollen lip. Just a cog in a great story.
The Matches
The opening match is Jeff Hardy vs. Montel Vontavious Porter. Jeff rips into MVP and throws him around the outside. Lots of great chemistry between the two throughout. Jeff puts MVP in the corner and runs at him. MVP dashes forward, grabs Jeff and belly-to-belly suplexes him into the post. Every time Jeff tries for a comeback, MVP meets him with some kind of cool and unique counter. He puts Jeff in the Tree of Woe and starts bouncing his head off the mat. A Mafia Kick is intercepted with a sudden jumping clothesline. He follows with the Whisper in the Wind, gets to the top and then sees Shelton Benjamin running over to attempt a run-in. Jeff jumps onto Shelton, climbs back up, misses a Swanton on MVP and MVP follows up with the Drive-By. MVP wins and we’re off to a great start.
Next is Kofi Kingston and Mickie James defending the Intercontinental and Women’s Championships against Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix with the idea that the winning team takes all. Beth demands to start with Mickie and she obliges. They mix it up with a good power vs. speed game in there. Santino gets tagged in and goes after Mickie, but she’s more than able to kick his ass. Kofi destroys Santino, Santino rolls out and Mickie meets him with a dropkick. Beth gets knocked off the apron and Kofi feints a plancha to the outside on both heels. While Kofi doesn’t make the jump, Santino reacts by jumping into Beth’s arms like he was Scooby Doo. Beth is able to lord over Kofi and softens him up for Santino. The two men collide accidentally and both make tags. Mickie dominates Beth and Santino runs in. Kofi rushes him, only to miss and fall over the top rope. Mickie delivers the Mickie DDT on Santino, Beth hits her from behind and puts her down with the Glam Slam. Beth and Santino win the titles and celebrate by having Santino sit on Beth’s shoulders. Really fun match, although Kofi is less of a factor. He’s just kind of there.
Mark Henry defends the ECW Championship against Matt Hardy. When I see this starting up, I’m excited. Both Henry and Matt are gold during their ECW runs, so this should be good. Instead, Henry misses an Avalanche, Matt gives him a Twist of Fate, Henry’s manager Tony Atlas pulls Matt out of the ring and the match is over in 30 seconds! What the fuck?! Jeff makes the rescue, hits a Swanton on Atlas and then the Hardy Boyz suplex Mark Henry. Seeing ECW swept aside at PPVs like this is always infuriating since for a while it was the best of the three shows. Or at least really close with Smackdown for the #1 spot.
CM Punk defends the World Heavyweight Championship against John “Bradshaw” Layfield. It starts with Punk getting the best of JBL, sending him to the outside and diving into him. He keeps it up with a top-rope crossbody, then makes the mistake of running into a boot. JBL picks him up and gives him a Fall-Away Slam off the second rope. JBL lays into him in contrast to the “CM PUNK!” chants throughout the arena. JBL holds him in the abdominal stretch until Punk hiptosses him out and does his trademark knee in the corner and bulldog. He sets up for the Go to Sleep, but his ribs hurt too much. JBL hits him with what looks like the Clothesline from Hell, but it doesn’t seem to do nearly the amount of damage it’s meant to do and instead of going for the quick cover, he just drops a bunch of elbows. Punk kicks out. He gets up and they break into the “YAY!”/”BOO!” punches. Even though JBL throws in a thumb to the eye, Punk still wins the exchange. Punk goes to the apron and does a plancha into JBL, which is caught and turned into a powerslam. Punk still kicks out. A Clothesline from Hell is stopped with a dropkick. Another corner knee is caught and JBL sets him up for a superplex. Afterwards, he pulls him in for a short-arm clothesline, Punk ducks, picks JBL up over his shoulders and takes him out with the Go to Sleep. Solid match and the only part of this run that made Punk look in any way legit.
Now for the other title match. Triple H defends the WWE Championship against the Great Khali. Man. Now, I’ve become a believer in the idea that Great Khali is not so much a bad wrestler as he’s an obstacle to have a match against. Like, Sylvan Grenier has no excuse, but Khali is just a big, immobile dude who looks intimidating as fuck. Others have been able to tell a decent story with him. It’s an interesting challenge. I believe that Triple H can definitely pull a good match out of Khali and I don’t even hate their chemistry in this match. The problem with this is the booking of it. Like within the first minute, Triple H pounds on Khali and tries for an early Pedigree. Khali shoves him off and gives him a double-handed chokeslam. Then he gives him a Head Vice so that Triple H is facing him (a variation Khali never uses except here) and Triple H kicks at Khali’s knee until he lets go. Khali leaves the ring, Triple H follows and Khali surprises him with a Brain Chop.
This is the first minute. Maybe minute and a half. Khali, despite his extremely limited movelist, has THREE moves that can be considered his finisher. The double-handed chokeslam, the Head Vice and the Brain Chop. In only moments, he’s used up all three moves and Triple H is in spaghetti legs mode. He isn’t unconscious. He isn’t ready to be pinned. He’s just playing it up that he’s hurt, but still in there. Well, great. What threat are we supposed to be afraid of? What is Khali’s time-wasting “beat him up some more” offense supposed to be working towards? It just doesn’t work. There’s some back and forth in there and when Khali tries the Vice Grip again (still facing Triple H so they can set up a counter), Triple H shoves him into the corner, kicks him and hits the Pedigree. I don’t even blame Triple H or Khali. I blame whoever it is who laid down the spots on that one.
It’s the Hogan vs. Warrior of the Cena Era as John Cena faces Batista. They fight it out to start with Batista showing he’s stronger. An early Batista Bomb is escaped. They fight some more with the crowd more behind Batista and he escapes Cena’s FU. Cena endures a Figure Four for a bit, then throws Batista from the ring with an FU. Despite the pain in his knee, he is still able to punish Batista with some shoulder tackles and the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Another FU is escaped and Batista delivers a boot to the face. Batista lays into Cena and drops him with a spinebuster. Cena gets back at him by DDTing Batista’s knee and placing him in the STFU for a while until Batista reaches the rope. Another failed FU is turned into a rear naked choke from Batista. They both get up and Batista surprises him with a Spear. Cena gets a shoulder up. Batista picks him up for a running powerslam, only for Cena to slide off and reverse it into an FU that actually hits! Due to taking too long to make the pin attempt, Cena fails to keep him down. They duke it out on the second rope in the corner with Cena winning the brawl. He goes for his jumping legdrop, gets caught and is powerbombed down. This is notably when Cena receives his big neck injury that would keep him off TV for a while. He kicks out and Batista seems just a bit pissed off. He angrily kicks Cena in the head, gives him a Batista Bomb and pins him cleanly in the center of the ring. Pretty cool, all things considered, but has some weird pacing issues and is rather short for such a big match.
That leaves the main event of Undertaker vs. Edge in a Hell in a Cell Match. Despite his impending doom, Edge is pretty upbeat about it all and presses the attack at first. He’s promptly dropped down with a boot. Undertaker begins his much-waited torture by running Edge into the steel and rubbing his face into the fencing. He slams him into the steps, gives him a Guillotine Legdrop, throws the steps into the ring, sets them up int the corner and drives Edge into it. Edge gets a second wind in there, sends Undertaker into the steps and then Spears him right into it. He gathers a couple tables and sets them up on the outside. A suplex onto those tables is stopped and turned into a chokeslam attempt. Edge gets out of it by dragging Undertaker’s head down the top rope. Edge begins to attack Undertaker relentlessly with a chair, stopping every now and then to set up more structures. He ends up jumping off a ladder and drives Undertaker through a table while holding onto a chair. He madly insists, “I understand!” and goes for a pin. No go.
He sets up a one-man Conchairto, but before he can go through with it, Undertaker sits up and chokes him. He boots Edge out of the ring and slams the steel steps into his head. Edge gets his bearings, runs and jumps off the steps and Spears Undertaker THROUGH THE FENCE WALL! They have one hell of a brawl out of the cell and it ends with Edge running across one table and Spearing Undertaker through the other! They fistfight a bit and return to the cell. Edge hits Undertaker with a TV camera. Kickout. Another Spear is caught and turned into a chokeslam. Kickout. Setting up for the Last Ride, Undertaker instead endures a low blow. Edge gives him an Impaler DDT, only gets a two-count and Undertaker sits up. Undertaker tries to Last Ride him onto the stack of tables, but Edge escapes, gets a Spear and Undertaker STILL kicks out. Edge pounds on him in the corner, Undertaker picks him up and drops him with the Last Ride. Edge won’t give up. A Tombstone on the steps is reversed into the Edge-O-Matic. Yet another kickout. Edge’s last gasp at offense is his own attempt at Old School. He’s crotched onto the top rope and this is where the fun truly begins. Undertaker chokeslams him through the stack of tables. Then Undertaker Spears him. Then he hits him with the TV camera. Then he delivers a Conchairto. Then he gives him a Tombstone and finally pins him.
Take it away, crying boy!
Backstage, we see Vickie Guerrero and La Familia applauding this ending. Undertaker sees Edge stirring ever so slightly as he looks up at the big screen. He decides that Edge isn’t dead enough. Yelling, “Now you go to Hell!” Undertaker sets up some weird visual effects to take over the show, not unlike the video from the Ring. There are two ladders set up and he places Edge on one before climbing up the other. He chokeslams Edge off the ladders, THROUGH THE MAT and fire comes out of the hole. Yes, Edge is actually sent to Hell. Fucking fantastic.
Now that is how you end a feud.
Next time we’ll be breaking into the top 5 and the best of the best.
Great list, but it continues the theme where I strongly have to disagree with one. I can’t believe 06 hasn’t been on the list yet! I thought that show was awful.
Wow that brought back a lot of good memories.
Gonna have to check out that mystery science theatre episode.
Wasn’t there some sort of botch during the RVD/Kane match in 03? I seem to remember Kane trying something from the ropes, only to stumble into them.