The Cipher 10/20/10
October 20th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: akira, akira kurosawa, cipher, hellblazer, new mutants, New York Comic-con, nyccleave with lifeless lungs or come in peace
-Remember when I said “You should be reading it” in relation to the Fraction/Ferry Thor? I take it back. I was okay with the first issue being empty, what with it being essentially the first chapter in what is meant to be a book, but the second is just as empty. All of the goodwill I had for it was instantly sapped by the pace and plot. Check out Tim O’Neil’s pretty good review of the issue. I agree with everything he said, I think. Pretty art, I dig the letters, but you’re cashews if you think I’m gonna pay four dollars a month for that.
-I’m slowly working my way through the books I bought at NYCC… and the books I bought after NYCC, and the books I’m probably gonna buy tonight. Time to scale back the insanity some, maybe? Who knows.
-I went to APE. It was okay. I liked the Writers Old Fashioned panel on Sunday. I bought a couple pages of art from Steve Oliff, the incredible colorist who did Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira.

One of the best comics ever, seriously. I’m happy to own two bits of it. These are also the first two pages I’ve bought that don’t feature colored folks.
-Disc-less Netflix on PS3 > Netflix on 360. The interface is smooth as silk.
-I deleted like ten gigs of mp3s last night. Goodbye, Canibus and Cassidy. You overstayed your welcomes. Drake, you’re next.
-If all goes well, I’ll have both a new Pretty Girls for Friday and a good post for tomorrow.
-You ever feel like there’s something you’re forgetting, even though it’s consumed your thoughts for days? I’m having that feeling right now. It was definitely something to do with comical books.
i would rather have you fear me than have you respect me
wrote: Ehh, light week. Just a preview. You should watch the footage of our panel from NYCC, though, and leave comments about my looks.
read: One Piece, Vol. 55, Gunsmith Cats Revised Edition Volume 4
, and Naoki Urasawa’s 20th Century Boys, Vol. 11
. OP was great, as expected. GSC flagged a little toward the end there by introducing a major character and then ignoring him for the rest of the book. It stumbled, but other than all the pedo stuff, it was pretty great. (Ugh.) 20thCB11 introduced a staple of adventure comics (crippling self-doubt!) and resolved it over the course of a chapter (I am invincible.), so that was nice. I like it more now, but it’s still threatening to spin off into absurdity (more than it already has, I mean). I hope the guessing games are mostly done. The stuff about Kanna was really strong this time around. More of that, please!
watched: I ordered The Night of the Hunter and received Seven Samurai
. Why? Because Robert Mitchum and Akira Kurosawa, that’s why.
listened: It is positively absurd how much I’m feeling Rick Ross’s Teflon Don. Who knew? I’ve mostly been listening to Kanye and old joints, though.
laws and rules don’t apply to me
david: Hellblazer 272, New Mutants 18
esther: Possibly, but not likely: Batman the Road Home: Catwoman, Commissioner Gordon. Possibly: Batman and Robin 15, DCU Halloween Special, Tiny Titans 33. Probably: Superman/Batman 77
gavin: Azrael 13, Batman And Robin 15, Green Lantern Corps 53, Carnage 1, Chaos War 2, Deadpool 28, Hulk 26, Shadowland Power Man 3, Steve Rogers Super-Soldier 4, Darkwing Duck 5
Good for you. Night of the Hunter is one of my all-time favorite movies.
Leeeeeeeanin’… leeeeeeeanin…
@Gavok: It’s one of several gaps in my Mitchum knowledge. I’m looking forward to seeing it.
It’s one of the most unique movies I’ve ever seen too. It’s a perfect storm of an adult thriller and a child’s fairy tale merged together as one.
Plus an old woman refers to sex as “flapdoodle”.
Lillian Gish is pure hardcore in “The Night of the Hunter”. Which isn’t to take away from how really creepy and nasty Mitchum is in it…
Haven’t watched Night of the Hunter in a long time but I will always remember the underwater shot. It’s one of the most haunting scenes in movie history. Seven Samurai is also the shit.
Oh god yes, PS3 Netflix is soooo much better. Frankly, I’m just glad to have it on both now so I can just use it on whichever console I happen to be using at the time. (My old-ass TV only has one HDMI so I have to swap cables, which is annoying.)
Poor Canibus. I guess 99% of his fans *really DON’T* exist.
still can’t believe zoro lost an eye though 0_o
@Froggee: Say what?
@Froggee: Are we talking One Piece? Because this sounds like a spoiler not just for David, who is reading trades, but for anyone reading the official North American release; I have a subscription to the domestic version of Shonen Jump, which is the leading edge as far as NA release goes, and nothing like this has happened.
Froggee’s post is definitely a spoiler (and, to spoil further, not a certainty). Part of Zoro’s redesign is that he’s got a scar across his right eye and that so far he hasn’t opened it.
People reading the scans should at least be considerate enough not to go dropping spoilers outside of their usual forum. Especially in the comment section of a blogger who has stated before that he is doesn’t pirate manga.
Thank goodness this guy didn’t mention anything important.
Those Akira pages are very nice. I could only afford to pick up one, but it’s a doozy. I should scan it.