The Sun Will Come Out. Tomorrow.
March 13th, 2010 by Esther Inglis-Arkell | Tags: batgirl, brave and the bold, cliff chiang, DC comics, jms, wonder womanTo wedge myself out of the pit of mild crankiness I’ve been in regarding comics, I have started looking ahead to things that I look forward to.
Thank you, The Brave and the Bold, for seemingly being an impossible title to bog down in misery, no matter what medium you are in. Here we have a female team-up book, a happy-seeming story, and complete indifference to current continuity. It has everything I’m looking for in a book.
Moreover, it has Barbara Gordon as part of it all. This is the kicker for me. She’s a sentimental favorite, and while I think her role as Oracle is great character development, I can’t get over the fun she had as Batgirl. I’m always willing to see more of that. This and Wonder-Con, another reason to look forward to April.
Looking forward to that issue too, since JMS can be great when he tells a straight up story without any inherent subtext.
Also w00t WonderCon, convinced my sister to go with me. Going to be fun fun fun.
Given how miserable his previous issues of Brave and the Bold have been, I wouldn’t hold out hope that this one will be any different. I mean, the dude wrote grim and gritty depictions of the Hero Dial and Brother Power the Geek. I’m kind of scared of what he’ll do with the Inferior Five in an upcoming issue.
You must have missed David’s rant on JMS’ Brave and the Bold a few months ago.
I’m not sure about the comic (David’s and everyone else’s bad words on it kinda pushed me away), but Batman: The Brave and the Bold is probably one of my favorite shows on television. Notice how I didn’t put the “animated” in there? Yeah.
(art-related aside: is Babs missing her Bat-ears? they’re so tiny I can’t even tell.)