Batman: The Brave And The Bold – An Educational Experience
June 25th, 2009 by Esther Inglis-Arkell | Tags: Batman, brave and the bold, DC comicsThere’s really something to be said for educational comics.
Not genuinely educational ones (perish the thought), but ones that guide the inexperienced reader through the labyrinth of nuttiness that was the golden and silver ages of DC comics.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold, is a comic aimed at kids, just like many comics were during the forties through the seventies. This makes it a particularly good place to unearth all of those silly, funny, and imaginative characters that populated the comics world back when the medium was light-hearted, episodic, and frankly ridiculous.
The series also serves as a guide for those of us who are new to comics, and looking for something other than wikipedia to introduce us to older characters. Each team-up is a fun, fast way to learn about some ancient character from a source that doesn’t expect any knowledge of the reader. So you get an explanation of each character’s backstory, motivation, and abilities.
It’s a fun way to catch up on tone and continuity of long-lost characters, and I recommend it to anyone who isn’t willing to page through forty years worth of comics to find out what they might have missed in the old days.
I know it was just a joke, but lest anyone think it was serious, “The Stuff of Life” and “A Cartoon History of the Universe/Modern World” are EXCELLENT educational comics.
And yes, The Brave and the Bold comic and show are both excellent as well 😉
I’m ridiculously pissed that the remainder of this season’s shows are being put off until fall. At least we get NPH for the musical episode, I guess.
I want this show to go on forever