Your bi-weekly Fourcast!
May 26th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: 4thletter is..., podcastsIn case you missed it yesterday, the first Fourcast went live on Memorial Day. Check it out here.
Here’s the details if you want to keep listening:
–Podcast RSS feed
–Main 4l! RSS feed
–iTunes subscription
Sound good? We’ll be back in two weeks with more. If you’ve got comments, criticism, or suggestions, leave them on the post proper or drop us an email or a message on twitter.
Fantastic podcast. I’ve been kind of podcast-less for a while, and this is just what I needed. Can’t wait for the next one!
I had fun listening to the podcast, even though I don’t follow DC comics. I can’t wait to listen to you talking about comics I do know about- it’ll be a blast, I’m sure.