
With a Sword Like Unto Fire

March 20th, 2009 by | Tags: ,

A couple posts down, Esther asks about what makes Azrael special. What are his selling points? Why should anyone care about the character who took the fall for one of the most infamously disliked stories in Batman’s history?

I’ll tell you why. Because deep down inside, Danny Rand wishes he was Azrael. It’s true! Don’t believe me?

And that right there is what makes Marvel and DC different. In Marvel, it’s the badass, super-rich martial arts master that wants to be Azrael and not the other way around.

Meanwhile, check back here later tonight. Our week is just beginning.

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4 comments to “With a Sword Like Unto Fire”

  1. Ultimatum Week?

  2. Judging by their appearances, they both want to be either Judge Dredd or Robocop.

  3. Who doesn’t?

  4. Hey, didn’t Jessica have a crush on Peter when she was a kid? Wouldn’t she be the first to recognize her? Maybe she was faking.