Ho-Ho-Ho, I’m Hu-Hu-Hungry! Santa, My Pebbles!
December 25th, 2008 by Gavok |I love Christmas. Talk about commercialism or Jesus or what have you, I still enjoy this time of year. Hell, even working a job in retail, I can take it. Besides, we’re actually making money for once! Whoo!
It’s a mixture of a lot of things. I’ve reached the point in my life where I don’t base my enjoyment of the season on getting gifts. I’m more interested in giving gifts to friends and family. Giving to charity. That kind of sissy shit.
Plus I just love the Christmas culture. Santa Claus, talking snowmen, elf dentists, jokes about Kwanzaa, festive music that I enjoy but can only stand for about a month anyway and happy endings. A good Christmas classic is the kind of thing that can put a guy in a good mood. George Baily realizing how important he is in the grand scheme of things or Bill Murray making amends with a psychotic Bobcat Goldthwait.
Or, in the case of The Last Christmas, watching Santa Claus kick a ton of ass in a post-apocalyptic setting.

When you think about Christmas and comics, I hope that some of you are reminded of Ultimate Edit Thor. If so, good news. Tomorrow night, expect the next installment of Ultimatum Edit Week. And what an issue. Sorry, sorry, I said that wrong. What I meant to say was, what a piece of shit. If you thought Ultimates 3 #4 was awful, wait until you get a load of this.
We usually never touch the variant covers in the Edits, but since it’s Christmas and it’s such a goofy image of Xavier (no, that isn’t Wong in a wheelchair), here’s a little something for yourself.

While I’m at it, enjoy some random YouTube holiday videos.
Happy Wookie Life Day, everybody!
‘Tis the season to be sharing, Fred.
I cannot believe you work in retail and dont hate this time of year. i work retail and dread the two week period around christmas were i have to deal with so many idiots