Ultimatum Edit Week 1: Day Three
November 9th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: fantastic four, giant man, hulk, human torch, invisible woman, jeph loeb, Marvel comics, reed richards, thing, ultimate edit, ultimatum, watcherOur last installment showed that New York City is screwed. How screwed are they? Let’s watch.

Maniac Clown and I will return tomorrow to bear witness to even more comic character deaths. Of course, these deaths are only going to be major characters. Millions of innocent civilians are dropping like flies, but they don’t know any heroes, so we don’t need to see their bodies.
Day Four!
Day Five!
Day Six!
Day Seven!
Man, a Hancock joke…
4thletter! once again singlehandedly makes Jeph Loeb worth reading, re-reading in parody form, and then loling.
That second panel with the Pym introduction is potent.
oh god that second one is awesome