Video Games
September 12th, 2008 by david brothers | Tags: movies, music, Video GamesAny video game fans here reading 4l?
Anyone opposed to more video game/movies/music content?
edit: also, you can find me on Xbox Live as hermanos or on PSN as fourel. If you add me, throw me a message letting me know who you are.
Please, please, PLEASE bring it on!
Starting to increase the number of games but still only on Wii…which frankly is enough I think.
More content from said areas? Why not.
Hells yeah.
I wouldn’t be offended by it, by I almost certainly wouldn’t read it. I’m not thrilled that every comic site evidently feels the need to broaden into an ‘everything pop culture’ site for the sake of hits, but this isn’t Newsarama.
Keith, I got you, man. I’ll do a series of posts called “Games Keith Should Play.”
Yes, yes and yes again.
It’d be cool if more time was given to comic/superhero movies. Gavok’s novelization rodeo is a lot of fun, and must make some good Ad money. So, Will Smith as Cap?
I’m theoretically not opposed because you guys are fascinating bloggers, but I’m mostly here for comic talk. I like what you guys have to say about the books/characters you care about and how they relate to things that are important to you, and I don’t necessarily see how you can have that same emotional impact with video games.
Still, it’s your site. I’ll read regardless.
In the words of Digital Underground, do what you like.
Look, if you can keep the tone of the articles up? Write about any damn thing you choose. Just be sure you’re comfortable with it before you go in so it doesn’t feel all awkward to read. There’s more than one post here I admit the topic didn’t hook me on, but the approach did, so keep that up and you’re gold.
Can’t post, too busy playing Team Fortress 2.
It’d be cool if more time was given to comic/superhero movies. Gavok’s novelization rodeo is a lot of fun, and must make some good Ad money. So, Will Smith as Cap?
Anyway, I got something on the horizon relating to this that you should love. Something big.
In terms of videogames, this reminds me. The other day a guy emailed me asking if I’d do a review of the Eternal Champions comic. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, the magazine it’s from is nearly impossible to find, especially because it was from England. Anyone know any special place that would have said issues?
I am opposed to all the time you spend on comics and music and race and the intersection of the three. This blog should be all about kick-starting a My Little Pony revival. Also Pogs. Pogs are totally due for a comeback and you could be right at the front of it!
Anyone know any special place that would have said issues?
I might actually have this. Lemme check, I’ll get back to you in a day or so.
Doing video games posts? That’s what’s up.
i think you mean “AW HELL NAWzis”
I doubt anyone would STOP reading you guys if you added more. Just don’t let it take over, I guess. I’ll have to add you on XBL and PSN.