The Cipher 11/17/10
November 17th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: Batman, cipher, grant morrison, takehiko inoue, vagabondoverload
-If you’ve gotta buy a Batman comic this week… buy the one Yanick Paquette and Michael Lacombe drew. Finch’s stiff, ugly, overly gritty work does absolutely nothing for me.
-Paquette is ill, though. I’ve liked his work since Bulleteer, and I hope he sticks around for the long haul.
–Sean Witzke vs Matt Seneca vs Steranko. Read it.
–My man Ray the Destroyer gave Kanye’s new album a thorough review. I liked My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, but wow, dude went in. I hadn’t thought of half of this while listening to the album, but it all makes sense. It’s nice when somebody breaks down exactly why you like something.
-Sidebar: The last joint on Kanye’s album features Gil Scott-Heron. I sort of miss when you could pick up a rap album and hear something political from The Last Poets, Poppa Wu, or Big Rube. “Who Will Survive In America” is the sort of thing that almost re-contextualizes the whole record, I think.
-Via Matt Maxwell comes a link to Jay-Z and Cornel West. I’m listening to it as I write this. What’s up with Decoded not dropping in ebook format until December, though? I hated on the book when it was first announced because it sounded like an annotated rhyme book, and I cannot think of anything more boring. If it’s more of a memoir than a cheat sheet, it might be interesting.
-Did you know they recolored Superman vs. Muhammad Ali? I wasn’t expecting that. I’m still not sure how to feel about it.
overload, overload
created: I like this Usagi Yojimbo preview, this Amazing Spidey recap, and this review of Adam WarRock’s debut album.
(Writing about music is weird for me. I don’t have the technical background that a lot of people who are good at it, but I have an okay understanding of history and context. Play to your strengths, right?)
consumed: Not much. I read Jormungand, Vol. 5 in one sitting, and it’s still plenty enjoyable. It’s still good and still about child soldiers. I’ve been in a holding pattern lately, but I’ve got The Night of the Hunter
, Gorillaz: Rise of the Ogre
and Carlos Trillo and Eduardo Risso’s Vampire Boy
to take in. Also on deck is Takehiko Inoue’s Vagabond Vizbig 9
, which may be my pick for fight scene of the year, just from flipping through the volume. Six hundred pages, Miyamoto Musashi versus the entire Yoshioka school.
Most comics simply can’t compete with Vagabond.
coming on to the
David: Batman, Inc. 1, Hellblazer 273, Thunderbolts 150
Esther: For definite: Batman Incorporated 1, Tiny Titans 34, Superman/Batman 78. For maybe: Batman 704, Batman: The Return, Power Girl 18.
Gavin: Azrael 14, Batman Incorporated 1, Batman The Return 1, Green Lantern 59, Green Lantern Corps 54, Avengers 7, Chaos War Chaos King 1, Chaos War Dead Avengers 1, Daken Dark Wolverine 3, Hulk 27, Thunderbolts 150, Darkwing Duck 6
Waiting for Parker: the Outfit and Superman vs. Ali to get delivered today, and also ordered the 10 issues of Pineapple Army that Viz put out in the ’80’s. Figured it’d be nice to see Urasawa’s art pre-Monster.
Finch’s art was the usual David Finch stuff, though I did think he killed the page where they revealed the Leviathan agent.
Inc. I felt was great, like how packed together it was. Though normally I’d roll my eyes at the issue’s ending, I genuinely laughed
@JTabon: Wait Pineapple Army is out in the US?
Is HAPPY! out yet?
“-Did you know they recolored Superman vs. Muhammad Ali? I wasn’t expecting that.”
They made Ali white, didn’t they? I knew it. Man, they won’t let us have NUTHIN’!! 😉
@Nathan: What little they published, yeah. http://www.mycomicshop.com/search?TID=145661
It looks like they picked 10 random chapters and left it at that, like they did more recently for Golgo 13 and Oishinbo. Which sucks, but it’s understandable since manga wasn’t exactly breaking any sales records at the time. :-/