This might be the only profile of Thunderbolt online…
August 15th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: luke cage…but I like it.
Will Emmons looks at Thunderbolt, a largely forgotten Luke Cage villain.
Next there is Thunderbolt’s ideology and modus operandi as a superhero (see above). While Black Panther, Luke Cage, and Black Lightning all avenged a crime in the process of becoming a superhero this is true of many superheroes in general. Like Spider-Man, the crimes at the center of their origins didn’t leave them with a mad on for hurting people. On the other hand, Thunderbolt responds to his brother’s death more like the white seventies vigilante crowd (e.g., Punisher, Wolverine, etc.). You’ll note that he disfigures criminals he apprehends with little Harry Potter scars so he can know to kill them if he ever sees them again.
“Will Emmons looks at Thunderbolt, a largely forgotten Luke Cage villain.”
Come on, David. I’m surprised at you. Thunderbolt was no villain. He was Cage’s buddy!
Also, not mentioned in the article, Thunderbolt actually pre-dates Luke Cage. He got his powers in the pages of Daredevil #69 (1970), though he didn’t give himself the persona yet.
I’ll take responsibility for not knowing my ’70s Daredevil. But I did profile him as a hero.
Anyway, thanks for the link. You quadrupled my blog traffic for a day. This is one of my favorite blogs, and it was cool to be linked from it.
Does this mean you’ll follow me on Twitter now? @WillinSpace?