
Silence From My Neck of the Woods

December 12th, 2008 by |

There is nothing I would love more than to post the next installment of We Care a Lot or an article on Dark Reign that I was prepared to have up by the middle of today. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, that’s not going to be.

My computer is dead! Murdered! Moltar, serve the first course!

Calling Dell’s support number has proceeded to change me from being the owner of a dead computer to the owner of a dead computer that’s in a million pieces. Then the moron on the other end of the phone decides, after having me take it apart piece-by-piece, “Uh… yeah, your motherboard don’t work too good. That must be it.” Then he dials over me, hangs up and I’m supposed to pay for that shit!

Fuck that guy. I’m taking it to someplace local tomorrow to be fixed up (and be put back together), but I can’t say how long I’ll be without any computer access. But I will be back and I’ll be doing posts with a higher comment count than that list hermanos just came up with!*

*no, I won’t

See you soon. I hope.

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10 comments to “Silence From My Neck of the Woods”

  1. jackpot

  2. 46 more and you’ll have him.

  3. This comment serves no purpose except to help you “defeat” Brothers. At blogging…

  4. Murder is on the menu.

  5. We are in silent running.

  6. This comment though is just because I want attention…

  7. I’m doing my part!

  8. To be fair, at least half of those comments were by david himself

  9. That’s a shame dude. I was hoping you’d have something to say about the new run of What If? books. Good luck getting everything sorted!

  10. This comment section Needs more Venome