Ultimatum Edit Week 1: Day Two
November 8th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: angel, beast, dazzler, invisible woman, jeph loeb, Marvel comics, nightcrawler, reed richards, spider-man, thor, ultimate edit, ultimatum, valkyrie, x-menYesterday was literally the calm before the storm, as we got to briefly check in with the Fantastic Four, the Ultimates, as well as Spider-Man and his amazing friends. You know, that’s pretty rare for a Loeb comic. We got FIVE single pages without the sudden, blatant two-page spread. It’s a start.
Now let’s push forward.

Huh. I didn’t intend this, but if you look at those thumbnails, it looks like Thor has suddenly transformed into a big, bald guy.
Thanks to ManiacClown. The second page was more or less his baby. Now it’s stuck in my head.
Tomorrow it’s time for the tragedy to begin. I mean tragedy in terms of the story. I mean… You know what I mean!
Day Three!
Day Four!
Day Five!
Day Six!
Day Seven!
Splash page. Just… damn.
Also I hope the edit won’t cut into your writing time for We Care A Lot.
Aaaaaah. 4th letter parody. Eases the pain.
Also – “The Mutant Age has now begun!” Holy shit, yes. I love that. And is it really, “Here is the day”? Because I always heard it as “[inaudible] the day”.
Hahaha, oh I’m always up for a good/bad pun. Splash page indeed.
@HitTheTargets: We Care a Lot will continue right after Day Seven.
@Bass: I had to listen to it a few times to get a good grasp on what it was. The internet claims that it’s “Saves the day!”, but that doesn’t sound like it at all.
Great day 2! 😀
The part about the sad piano music really made me laugh! I love that song, and used to watch the TV Hulk series as a kid.
The joke about breathing underwater…priceless.
Oh, and the Costner joke, perfect. 🙂
AC/DC – I am filled with national pride and shame
I’ve heard that it’s supposed to be a flood, but it just looks like a lot of rain to me.
In the actual comic Dazzler says: “Oh yeah, I’ve pierced myself all over my body because I’m having a love fest with myself.” How can you not make fun of that!? That’s funnier and weirder (as worst dialogue ever) than the dialogue you wrote in!