Joe Casey I Love You Forever
February 18th, 2008 by david brothers | Tags: ghost rider, hawk, iron man, Marvel comics, nighthawk, spiritTHE LAST DEFENDERS #3 (of 6)
Written by JOE CASEY
Penciled by JIM MUNIZ
Cover by LEINIL YU
DEFENDERS…No More?! It sure looks like it, as Iron Man shuts down New Jersey’s Initiative team…and Nighthawk’s dreams of redemption. But when the diabolical U-MAN threatens humanity, Nighthawk finds the best Defenders money can buy: Paladin, Junta and Atlas! Meanwhile, what role does DAIMON HELLSTROM play? And who has he sought out to advise him in his journey? A strange connection to the Defenders’ past appears as the must-have super hero team book of ’08 continues!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
You’re bringing back Junta? Oh yes!
Also, Jason Aaron, you get some love, too:
Written by JASON AARON
“Hell-Bent and Heaven Bound,” the first arc by the exciting new team of Jason Aaron and Roland Boschi, comes to its explosive conclusion. Ghost Rider has faced off against machine-gun-toting nuns, flesh-rending spirits and hungry cannibals, but has that brought him any closer to an answer in his quest for vengeance? Big things are brewing for Ol’ Flamehead in ’08, and the madness starts here, with what must surely be the most shocking last page in Ghost Rider history. Hint: He’s back!
32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$2.99
“He’s back!” can’t refer to anyone but Dan Ketch, right?
Oh yes!
Also, Gødland is back this week. Woo!
Time Delayed Pedro – OH SHIT THEY BROUGHT BACK JUNTA. Hell yes. I have never been happier in my entire life.