This Week in Panels: Week 94
July 10th, 2011 Posted by GavokThis week I’m joined by only Space Jawa, who still loves him some Flashpoint tie-ins. For a while, I was just kind of okay with the two big Marvel/DC events. They weren’t hurting the regular books (well, I guess Flashpoint will in a few months) and they haven’t been offending me in any way. With their latest issues this week, I’m finally won over on both of them. Especially the Fear Itself scene my panel is from.
In non-comics news, I’m still at work for the upcoming Summerslam Countdown series, which will start up early August. Right now I only have 12 shows left to sit through. The good news is that I’ve endured Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzales already. The bad news is that I still have to endure Good Undertaker vs. Evil Undertaker.

Batman and Robin #25
Judd Winick, Greg Tocchini and Andy Smith
Fear Itself #4
Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen