Space Brothers: Maybe Next Time
April 17th, 2014 by david brothers | Tags: chuya koyama
Created by Chuya Koyama, translated by William Flanagan, serialized on Crunchyroll. Space Brothers.
Not even humans can defeat the weather.
I like Space Brothers a lot. I’m ninety-some chapters in at this point and it’s managed to be funny, thrilling, sad, poignant, and good without really being anything but a low stakes slow motion kind of comic. There may be death or failure or tragedy, but it’s not really a comic that trades on those. Koyama is telling a story about triumph more than tragedy, so any setback is put into a greater context that ameliorates it some.
Space Bros is good because its two lead characters are a remarkably motivated and successful astronaut and his unlucky older brother, who is attempting to become an astronaut. He’s a dummy, but he’s not dumb, like an adult version of a shonen protagonist, so the series is constantly walking this line between comedy, motivational speaking, and amazing and meaningful coincidences from the past reflecting in the present day. It’s all very unbelievable, but it makes me feel good/sad/good, so I’m into it.
It’s facile, but it reminds me a lot of Twin Spica, one of my favorite comics from a few years back. Twin Spica had a cast of mostly underdogs knocking down obstacles left and right on their way to the top. It was sweet, it was earnest, it was very good. Space Brothers is very similar, though with sibling rivalry and friendship at its core instead of cute stubbornness. Space Brothers is astronomically less melancholy than Twin Spica, but they both share a certain amount of bittersweet sentiment, which in turns makes the triumphs better.
Or the jokes, like this one, where the dummy older brother gets ready to train to become an astronaut, sees the weather, and thinks twice.
(Vertical’s begun releasing Twin Spica in ebook format. You should read it. I wrote about it a little.)
OT but worth it – Maybe you had better rethink that James Ellroy versus REH post you wrote a couple of years back. James Ellroy outed as a vicious racist in the comments section of the following article/confessional:
@drbopperthp: Thanks for the link. It’s unsurprising in hindsight.
Thanks for your unsurprisingly gracious response.