This Week in Panels: Week 162
October 28th, 2012 by Gavok | Tags: fantastic four, flash, loki, panels, punisher
Ahoy! In what Mother Nature will surely insist is my last post for a little while, here’s this week’s taste of comics read. I have my usual crew in Jody, Gaijin Dan, Space Jawa and Was Taters.
Interesting week in that we reached the end of many great Marvel runs due to the big Marvel NOW! changeover. Considering how fantastic the enders are for Journey Into Mystery, Incredible Hulk, Captain America and FF, I can’t help but notice how Marvel is flat-out making DC look incompetent in regards to the New 52. Everyone’s getting their own true sendoff without seeming rushed and pointless.
Though apparently Daniel Way’s final issue of Deadpool shit the bed, so we’ll ignore that one.

A-Babies vs. X-Babies (Jawa’s pick)
Skottie Young and Gurihiru
A-Babies vs. X-Babies (Jody’s pick)
Skottie Young and Gurihiru
All-Star Western #13
Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, Moritat and Phil Winslade
Avengers vs. X-Men Consequences #3
Kieron Gillen and Scot Eaton
Batman Incorporated #4
Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham
Bleach #510
Tite Kubo
Blue Exorcist #39
Kazue Kato
Captain America #19
Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting
Cross Manage #4
Deadpool #63
Daniel Way and Filipe Andrade
FF #23 (Jody’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman and Nick Dragotta
FF #23 (Gavin’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman and Nick Dragotta
Flash #13 (Taters’ pick)
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato
Flash #13 (Gavin’s pick)
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato
I, Vampire #13
Joshua Hale Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentino
Incredible Hulk #15
Jason Aaron and Jefte Palo
Invincible #96
Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley and Cory Walker
Journey Into Mystery #645 (Taters’ pick)
Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans
Journey Into Mystery #645 (Gavin’s pick)
Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans
Naruto #604
Masashi Kishimoto
One Piece #683
Eiichiro Oda
Punisher: War Zone #1 (Gavin’s pick)
Greg Rucka and Carmine Di Giandomenico
Punisher: War Zone #1 (Jody’s pick)
Greg Rucka and Carmine Di Giandomenico
Red Lanterns #13
Peter Milligan and Miguel Sepulveda
Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration #5
Nobuhiro Watsuki
Secret Avengers #33
Rick Remender and Andy Kuhn
Superman #13
Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort
Talon #1
Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV and Guillem March
Takama-ga-hara #13
Jyuuzou Kawai
Toriko #206
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
As alluded to, I’m hours away from Hurricane Sandy showing up. I live in northern Jersey, so we’re apparently going to get hit pretty hard. Losing power is almost a sure thing based on Irene and last year’s Halloween snow storm, so I’m looking at a few days off the grid. Hopefully, it doesn’t get worse than that.
If you’re in an area that’s going to be affected, then Godspeed.
Oh L’il Loki 🙁
Good luck, Gavok. I’m in Staten Island. Hoping for the best, getting ready for . . . erm . . . not the best.
AvX Babies is very cute. A must-read for $2.99.
Is that Traflanger Law? He looks odd without the sweet hat.
What if Superman was in our world? “Man, journalism sucks these days! I quit! No, if you don’t mind, I’mma eat coal and crap diamonds!! Later, bitches!!” In other news, something might be wrong with me.
If you’re gonna be out because of this hurricane, I guess that means I gotta get back to posting. UH OH
Why are we still having reruns of the time that Hank Pym beat up his wife?
Be safe, everyone. And good luck.
As Gavin says those series endings were so good, I may have to get them once they drop in price on ComiXology.
@david brothers: Mainly because Robo Wasp is supposed to be a hybrid of everything Pym is afraid of.
The comic also features the return of Frankencastle, a member of the Avengers on Earth 666 along with Vampire Wolverine, Mummy Thor, Actual Spider-Man, Actual Hawkeye, Werewolf Cap and the ghost of Brother Voodoo.
I’m in NEPA and the only thing I’m worried about is trees coming down. Good luck to you though Gavok!
@Jason: Yeah, it’s Law. Just prior to this panel he gets cracked right in the face by Vergo and his hat flies off. I wanted to use that, but it’s broken up into a couple panels and I didn’t feel like either stood alone well enough. So, instead, I grabbed a good face shot of him without the hat.
So is Pym afraid of a wife that would fight back?
@david brothers: We keep getting reruns of that because too many writers refuse to see him as anything but the guy in that one panel years ago, and refuse to let him redeem himself.
Spider-Man hits a pregnant MJ during the Clone Saga and nobody ever mentions it, but Hank Pym is never allowed to be anything other than a wife beater.
WElll…. no one wants to remember the Clone Saga. so Peter got out of that shaming scott free, but Hank Pym is forgettable or Forgettable due to writers don’t know how to use a person who pretty much Adam Ant and ride that one writer idea of making him hit his wife. Could you name any achievements he did other than finding the Ego stroke-particle, Being able to talk to ants, Smacked his wife? I kinda want to know so far that’s all I have next to go insane and pretend to be his wife.
I am just stunned at the commercial tone-deafness of it. If there were ever a need for editorial intervention, it’s when callback after callback to spouse abuse slides across your desk – spouse abuse by a character you plan to (presumably) sell to a popcorn, all-ages audience. I hope someone isn’t trying to keep that aspect of the property “current” for some planned scene in the movie. That scene, in an Edgar Wright flick? Imagine the reviews.
@SomerandomGuy: He recorded Simon William’s brain patterns and created a true AI in the 1960s, thus making the Vision’s existence possible. There ya go.
Jefte Palo! Where’s he headed next?