Fourcast! 84: Just Leave Gotham Underground
May 9th, 2011 by david brothers | Tags: frank tieri, gotham underground, jim calafiore, kou yaginuma, twin spica-We’re bringing back You Made Me Read This! for some springtime fun
-I made Esther read Kou Yaginuma’s Twin Spica.
-Esther made me read Frank Tieri and Jim Calafiore’s Gotham Underground.
-It, uh, goes about how you’d expect.
–Twin Spica? Good old fashioned fun.
–Gotham Underground? I bet the parents of everyone involved in that series is ashamed of their children.
-I talked about Gotham Underground on this site in the past, but I’d forgotten about it.
–Twin Spica was one of my favorites of 2010.
-We’re doing another one of these soon, I think.
-If things keep escalating, this’ll be the death of our friendship!
-6th Sense’s 4a.m. Instrumental for the theme music.
-See you, space cowboy!
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I’ve been trying to figure out when exactly Gotham Underground happened. Is it after 52, during the really bad “Countdown” series? That seems like, with the stuff I foolishly bought with Countdown, to flow into a couple of those issues (especially the Suicide Squad stuff and the Penguin stuff).
But hell, that series really made me mad and I’m a pretty forgiving comic book reader. I may be misremembering it. Come to think of it, I think you should read Countdown. I think that would break you. Ester, you should make him read this. 52 issues that have no bearing on anything, but “seems” like it has bearing on stuff. It is the worst psuedo-crossover that means nothing to anything.
– l.k.
@garyancheta: I would cut my entire head off before reading Countdown!
And cripes, I forgot to combine our audio tracks on this episode. Sorry to all the listeners!
David vs Esther in a Scott Pilgrim meets DBZ times Sailor Moon showdown over their books… Could parts of the United States contain the resulting clash of wills?
Nobody should ever read Countdown. This is simple fact.
The closest things to good issues in there are the ones in the final trade where it went so far off the rails and we had things like a dog with a carving knife try to murder people as giant, sentient viruses crawled out of Karate Kid’s corpse.
I made none of that up. It was a SINGLE ISSUE. A few weeks later, Jimmy Olsen was a New God-powered giant turtle.