Buying From Amazon Today?
November 26th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: amazonIf you’re getting your Black Friday shopping done at home on Amazon, you’d help us out if you bought via our referral link. Blah blah blah hosting, etc etc. If not, cool. If you want a recommendation, Big Boi’s Sir Lucious Left Foot…The Son Of Chico Dusty
is two bucks.
Me, I’m not waking up til the afternoon. Shopping can wait, there’s sleeping to be done.
Shoot, I bought it before I saw this. Oh well. The new Arcade Fire album is also a steal at $2.
I was looking for some fantasy novels, but they didn’t have a deal on Imaro, the one I wanted to read. Did buy a pile of Chronicles of Conan from a local comic shop that was having a Black(est) Friday sale, though.