Die Hard: Year One & The Unknown: The Devil Made Flesh
September 29th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: boom! studios, john paul leon, mark waidBOOM! Studios kindly sent over a couple previews of books that are debuting tomorrow. Die Hard: Year One is a Howard Chaykin/Stephen Thompson joint, while The Unknown: The Devil Made Flesh is by Mark Waid and Minck Oosterveer.
Die Hard first:

John Paul Leon doing Die Hard covers? Be still my beating heart. What do you guys think? It feels kind of like Howard Chaykin doing a David Lapham riff, since the narration reminds me a lot of how Lapham kicked off Batman: City of Crime. Maybe I’m stretching, I dunno.
Devil Made Flesh:

Seems kinda light as a preview, since it more or less requires knowledge of the previous series. I dug the last book, though, and it’s interesting that Doyle doesn’t seem to remember what happened. What do you think?
I’m not sure why the Unknown isn’t being done simply as an ongoing series since there isn’t a break between series… but this first issue is pretty good. My favourite issue of the ‘series’ so far.
Haven’t read Die Hard yet, but since I should write a review of it for CBR tonight, I’ll do that soon.
“the narration reminds me a lot of how Lapham kicked off Batman: City of Crime.”
To some, this is not a recommendation.
Unknown: DMF – Cover A looks a lot like Megan Fox, cover B looks a lot like Kate Beckinsale.
Appropos of nothing, I know.
Wait, they’re making a Die Hard comic? Wow, I may have to give it a look.