This Wednesday I Realized Something Disturbing
July 30th, 2009 by Esther Inglis-Arkell |I am terrified of flying, hate any mention of planes in danger, and yet I found the strip of Streaky The Supercat taking the tail off an airplane because it had the picture of a mouse on it to be the most adorable thing I’ve seen this week.
I’m pretty sure that Amanda Conner needs to be classified as a deadly weapon.
Feel free to comment with your favorite part of Wednesday Comics below.
Paul Pope!
Flash story is my favorite right now.
but yeah, the Supergirl story is so cute it’s gotten to me
@Justin: Scoop from the Wednesday Comics panel at San Diego: Chiarello claims Pope is the latest artist. Pope claims that there are some who are later. Drama! Conflict!
@Nathan: Yes, the Flash one is really cool.
Anyone like the Batman one? It hooked me on the first page.
@Esther Inglis-Arkell: I LOVE the Batman one. Not from the first week, for me… the second week is what got me hooked, as we see the bullet go through the paper she was holding… that rocked!!
I also love the Flash one, that guy is one of my favorite artists. He did Teen Titans year one, correct? Anyway, I LOVE how he draws and how they colored it all… old-fashiony? or whatever. It looks great.
Amanda Conner’s adorable Supergirl cannot be praised enough. I like the funky teen titans art too, though I don’t like Tim acting all sulky and pissy. He needs a serious attitude adjustment and maybe a hug.
the best, best, best ones for me are Kamandi and Adam Strange. I knew barely anything about those characters coming into this, but from the first week I fell in love with both of them and each week so far has just made me love them more. They’re just SO COOL!
It’s a shame about the WW one, and I personally wanted Clark to kick Bruce off that ledge in week 2, but hey, I’m not complaining. I love it all. 😀
I love the Flash. It’s so classic and a fun use of the space.
I’m also really liking Deadman. I know it’s a slow start with lots of splashpage-y type stuff, but the layouts and the art are just so dynamic and well done. I’m also not that familiar with the character outside of seeing him on an ep of B:BatB, so I appreciate the slow introduction.
I think Adam Strange is the other one I like. I like the fun pulpy feel.
@Laura: I think Tim needs a smack on the head and a wedgie, personally, but –
@Lis: Oh, the Flash. Yes. The two perspectives in one page is brilliant.
Hi Esther,
I was at the Wednesday Comics Panel too, the take aways that interested me;
1) Everyone’s respect for Mark Chiarello, the guy who also brought us SOLO.
2) Paul Pope saying the format forced him to remove everything superfluous, creating “brutal and elegant” comics.
3) Amanda Conner saying she deliberately made Supergirl “vomitously adorable” to stand out from all of the other talent.
4) Everyone complimenting Ryan Sook.
Awesome panel!
That sounds like a truly hilarious, adorable scene. I just wish the name “Streaky” didn’t make me think of incontinence stains on people’s trousers.
@Justin: I also liked that the guy from Newsweek who arranged for the weekly Superman strip to be included ended up being *in* the audience.
@versasovantare: And now, it reminds everyone else of it, too. For shame.