All-Star David and Gavin the Boy Wonder
May 16th, 2007 by david brothers | Tags: all-star batman, Batman, cartoon, ed brubaker, ign, isotope, kyle baker, matt fraction, nat turner, robin, staticBefore I do anything else–
Have you guys heard the new DJ Jazzy Jeff record? It is sick. Every single track is dope.
Anyway, I am in SF right now. Got a place, did some time at my job, and did a bunch of things San Franciscans do. I drank Chai Tea Latte at a Starbucks (it is good), rode the bus, and played phone tag with Comcast for two hours plus. On Friday, I get the honor of doing it again, this time in person with a four hour window for installation. Hurray.
Anyway, I live roughly a mile from Isotope Comics, so guess what my new comics shop is! Sending in the pull list later tonight, most likely.
Ed Brubaker signing there this Saturday at 8 til midnight. I’ll be there with the copy of Coward I bought last week!
Speaking of buying comics, and because I am a little short on content right now, here’s what I picked up at the Isotope. Haven’t read any of it yet, though.
All-Star Batman & Robin the Boy Wonder 5
The Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg
Shot Callerz by Gary Phillips and Brett Weldele
Static Shock Trial By Fire by like six dudes with long names
The Annotated Mantooth by Fraction, Kuhn, and Fisher
Kyle Baker: Cartoonist
Nat Turner v2
Reviews coming soon as I work through my 4l backlog.
edit: I am maybe six pages into All-Star Bats and this is easily the best issue yet. I don’t see how people don’t like this comic!
I’m happy for Jeff. More power to him.
As for ASBARTBW, it’s had it’s highs and lows. Tardiness has been chief among those lows. Late comics bother me.
That aside, at least it’s pretty. And I think you may be right about it being the best ish, yet.
I won’t buy any more copies (unless they do another black and white; the first was too sweet to pass on) until the collected volume(s) come out.