Comics and Wrestling: The Parallels
August 30th, 2007 Posted by GavokAbout now I’m in the middle of writing three different articles while planning to finally update the Table of Contents. It’s annoying, because I want to have something to post, but I end up being torn between all the different projects and nothing really gets done in time. It’s like I’m a monster that has to choose between the scientist that created him or the loving child that befriended him. Too much time looking back and forth and too little time getting results.
What I’m meaning to say is that this here post is going to be really pointless. More so than usual.
As an introduction, let’s look at this quote from my interview with wrestler “Lightning” Mike Quackenbush:
“A certain type of personality and humor attracts a very specific demographic to CHIKARA, and in that way, we end up in bed with (figuratively speaking), and surrounded by, like-minded individuals. There are so many thematic similarities between pro-wrestling and comic books, that there is bound to be some level of crossover.”
This is very true. There are the obvious comparisons, like the concepts of heroes battling villains in a repeated contest of good vs. evil. Colorful costumes. Slick names, whether they be codenames or last names. Mantles are passed down. Bad guys turning to good guys. Good guys turning to bad guys. Characters with names like Sandman, Mysterio, Hercules, Nitro, Crossbones, Rorschach, the Punisher, etc.
But I got to thinking. There are a lot of similarities between comic books and professional wrestling that go unnoticed. Follow me.
In comics, one of the most entertaining guys is a talented man by the name of Morrison.
In wrestling, one of the most entertaining guys is also a talented man by the name of Morrison.
They both have connections to mind-blowing drugs, now that I think about it.