Fourcast! 25: Blast from the Pastcast
November 16th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: Batman, brian azzarello, doc savage, eric trautmann, phil noto, podcastsThere may be a few audio hitches in this one. I tried to even it out, but some of them were unavoidable. Recording problems blah blah blah, it should be fixed for the show after the next.
-Intro drop: Jamaal Thomas of Funnybook Babylon. And he does like comics. He liked Luke Cage Noir, the recently ended Marvel miniseries set in Harlem.
-Theme music: 6th Sense’s 4a.m. Instrumental
-The Shield: I was surprised I liked it, and try to get across a little of why I did.
-Batman & Doc Savage Special #1: I was surprised I didn’t like it, Esther was surprised that Batman grabbed a boob, and we gab about it for a bit.
Some visual aides, words by Azzarello, art by Noto:

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It’s kind of disappointing to finally see the boob-grabbing that I’ve been hearing about; it’s all tentative, like Bats is still trying to be nice about it while appearing mean, or something. Not nearly as salacious as I had hoped.
@Matthew J. Brady: I know, right? I doubletaked, like “Really?”
Batman’s such a 14 year old boy.
@david brothers: The panel that didn’t make the editor’s cut?
Batman faking a yawn and a stretch to reach his arm around her for the grab.
meh, I agree with ya on this, but I’m still gonna give FW a shot, since it seems like Bats will only have a minimal role in that. also I personally love Morales
I fail to see a problem.
I do however see some excellent art.
if some mouthbreather starts OMGswipezing about the connery reference on the first page there I’ll shit on the desk at the office where they earn a crust.
re: the boobgrab, batman is the mack.
so, Shield eh? glad to see I’m not the only one who’s enjoying it. definitely took me by surprise too. Trautmann is definitely a guy to watch.
Huh. So he really does grab a boob.
You know, I love Noto’s art for the most part, but that panel just looks off. Either Batman’s got really tiny hands, or she’s got really huge boobs.