“Don’t be forgettin’ the Free French.”
October 16th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: carlos ezquerra, garth ennis, the boysBlogging’s going to be light today since work and other things have occupied my time lately, but I did want to share this sequence from (the as-yet uncollected) The Boys #34. Garth Ennis and Carlos Ezquerra came up with a pretty good (and brutal) way to use World War II in a superhero book. I usually like my World War II pure, but this? This is clever. I snipped a few pages out, but this is still followable. And if you can’t tell by the cover, you probably shouldn’t be clicking this at work.

Dynamite needs to drop this trade asap.
Yeah, I really liked the way they pulled this off. It actually turned a one-note fight with ‘Nazi Superman’ into something more clever.
@Chad Nevett: what that guy said.
Absolutely sophomoric trash. OLOL THE RUSSIAN ONE IS TELLING HIM TO SUCK HIS DICK. Your tiny negro mind must be amused by this trash.
@Free Haven: Try harder.
UNE GRANDE maison de merde…
But I actually agree with FH; but it’s more about Garth Ennis wankery. Goddamn Garth hates superheros so much you wonder why he entered the comic book business in the first place. And then there’s the “I HAVE HUGE COCK: LAUGH!” story he pulls out in all his titles. It’s super sad considering I love Transmetroplitain, but find everything else from him utterly unreadable.
Garth Ennis didn’t have anything to do with Transmet. That was Ellis. I loathe The Boys as much as anyone could but lets try and keep our facts right…
“Goddamn Garth hates superheros so much you wonder why he entered the comic book business in the first place”
To write non-superhero books, I suppose.
By his own admission, he doesn’t actually hate superheroes, he just finds them silly.
Also, he grew up on war comics, not superheroes, and has done some of his finest work in that genre. Considering his skill, I’m more than happy to have him in the comic industry. We could do with more people at his level.
@versasovantare & @david brothers: I never thought about before, but you can really see this play out over the course of the Authority/Kev books. Superheroes are silly, they get pied in the face & Ennis goes as far as dropping the pretense of realism so that Swift can break out in song. Then in A Man Called Kev, even though some mention is given to the running gags, it’s a straight-faced story about a soldier becoming a man. (Which was ultimately Kev’s problem the whole time, he signed up before he grew up.)