Wolverine Contest, Adam Warren Interview
July 27th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: adam warren, contest, Lone Wolf & Cub, podcasts, sdcc, wolverineI’m back from the con, barely, and I’ve got some reminders.
–The Wolverine Contest is still on. Go, enter, and win a free book or two. It ends tomorrow, so go ahead and get your entries in.
-I interviewed Adam Warren after discussing his Dirty Pair and Gen 13/Livewires work. It’s a good read. He went above and beyond in answering all those questions.
-Podcast is due to return in the middle of this week. We’ve got a couple of special guest stars this time around, and it required a little more time than usual.
-Lone Wolf & Cub has been on unannounced hiatus for the past couple weeks. I hope to get back to it this coming Sunday, but at worst, it’ll begin again on August 9th. San Diego Con and a few other things bearing down on me meant that something had to give, and LW&C ended up being the victim.
-I totally screwed up my back at the con. Yow.
-I totally screwed up my back at the con. Yow.
Cool! The doll trick actually works. Now, where did I put those pins?
Cool. So did you have a good time at the Con? (or is that the subject of a future article and/or podcast?)
“-I totally screwed up my back at the con. Yow.”
I almost literally feel your pain, man, I hurt my back rather badly last week (26 years old and a bad back, fantastic stuff).
@Derk van Santvoort: Oh yeah, I’m gonna have an onslaught (er, if onslaught means “at least two posts”) based around stuff I saw/did at the con, not including the podcasts.