Times of crisis really do teach you something about yourself.
January 17th, 2009 by Esther Inglis-Arkell | Tags: movies, watchmenI was planning to see Watchmen when it came out in theaters, but I wasn’t particularly excited about it. As I’ve said before, it follows the extra dark trend of superhero movies. For me, an extra dark superhero movie is like extra dark chocolate. Yes, it’s trendy these days, and everyone agrees that it’s classier, but most of the fun has gone out of it.
However, then I learned that Fox started legal proceedings against Warner Brothers and the movie would be delayed, or perhaps even, (gasp), never released.
So of course then, I wanted to see it, needed to see it, started concocting I Love Lucy type schemes in order to get to see it, like unearthing one of those suits that I bought when I thought going to work meant wearing suits when in actuality going to work means advancing far enough that you don’t need to wear suits anymore, and pretending to be a lawyer (I would also probably need a briefcase) and saying that I represented one side or the other in order to get to see it. Or perhaps I would find someone on the internet to whom it had been leaked, and beg it off of them, and transfer it to others using the netname Rorschach/Owlman4evah.
And now, the legal issues have been settled, and the movie is out in March, and I’m thinking, ‘Okay. I’ll see it. If it’s playing at that theater where they let you pump your own butter on to the popcorn.’
It’s sad when you’re a grown woman and you realize that you would be easily tricked into helping Tom Sawyer whitewash a fence.
Nothing to really be ashamed of, there. That’s one of the laws of attraction and power in Robert Greene’s books. When we’re neutral about something — a person, a place, a thing — and then suddenly told we can’t have it or it’s in limited supply, we get all excited about it again. Tom Sawyer had the same thing going for him. He created an artificial demand by seeming to enjoy whitewashing the fence, and got everyone else to do it because we’re all too curious and cliquish for our own good.
I completely disagree…
Extra dark chocolate is the only chocolate I eat. It is delicious and all other chocolates are pretenders. But then, I’ve always felt like this.
@Dane: Everybody’s flaw is nobody’s flaw?
@Joseph from FBB: Remove yourself from this blog, sir! I say good day to you!