Dead Man’s Party: The Resident Evil Comics
January 7th, 2006 Posted by WandererHa Ha I Am Blogging About Bad Comic Books
Let’s talk for a moment, you and me, about things I hate.
I hate Venom, for example. I’ve never been able to stand that schmuck, ever since the Spider-Man books turned into the Venom Show back in the ’90s. I hate Howard Mackie for being the embryonic stage of Chuck Austen… and I hate Chuck Austen, because all right-thinking people do. I hate Scott Lobdell, Frank Quitely’s pudgy Play-Doh people, and any book that Ashley Wood drew…
…but most of all, I hate licensed comics that’re written by somebody who hasn’t even touched the source material. I really hate it when I’m familiar–or in this case, scarily familiar–with that source material.
That means I hate the Resident Evil comic books.
Call the neighbors and lock up the kids, folks. It’s time for a bunch of pointless fanboy bitching.