Red Robin Turnaround
May 10th, 2010 Posted by Esther Inglis-ArkellIn Red Robin #12, Tim is a nice guy, surrounded by friends, who makes logical decisions, and narrates his actions using personal pronouns. He’s considerate, grateful, and relaxed about relying on others.
The difference between this and the Tim we saw a year ago is so staggering that is almost produces vertigo. What it does produce is an actual desire to read the book. Hey look! A hero who is dedicated, sincere and considers others! And also flies around having adventures and fighting villains. It is what I want to read in a comic book. Who’da thunk?
I do wonder what it is that happened that makes everyone suddenly want to get into Tim Drake’s pants. Did he have a birthday sometime during the run, because having a teaser for a storyline entirely devoted to getting the hero to impregnate Ras Al Ghul’s daughter doesn’t seem like something DC would do pre-eighteen.
I have to admit, I hope that they follow that storyline up, though. And I hope they play it for laughs.
Oh, Ras, and you thought Bruce Wayne was a – well, yes, a tough nut to crack. Just wait until you try enticing Tim Drake. This is a guy whose last voluntary kiss was in a dank cave, surrounded by the corpses of clones of his murdered best friend. You will have an easier time getting pandas to mate.
(Anyone know why Ras has given up on having a son himself? He’s a good-looking, no-shirt-wearing millionaire. It can’t be hard for him to find a woman. And he has a lot of time. If he spent as much time on dating sites as he did on trying to get Bruce to have sex with his daughter, he’d have an army of sons by now.)