Breaking news!
January 31st, 2007 by david brothers | Tags: batgirl, DC comics, geoff johns, robinGeoff Johns to exit Teen Titans
Who is the new writer?
So now…who’s taking over?
That would be current Robin scribe Adam Beechen beginning with TEEN TITANS #47.
Some people have already seen his name solicited on upcoming issues of “Titans East” – that’s because Adam’s come on early to co-write “Titans East” with me to get a sense of the team and to set the stage for his run as I close out mine. There are going to be some shake-ups and, more importantly, you will see the beginnings of a second Titans team forming…though not necessarily what you’re expecting. Adam’s especially nailed the characters of Kid Devil and Miss Martian and he’s delved head first into the vast Titans history to soak it all up.
I’ve been a fan of Adam’s work for a long time, starting with HENCH and his stories on the JLU book, and I’m anxious to see what he does with the TEEN TITANS. I’ve already heard a few ideas on where he wants to take the team and I’m really looking forward to them.
I love Beechen, and I’ve been wanting to write more about his Robin run lately. This is great news, particularly because I’ll start buying Teen Titans regularly again. The last year and half, maybe two (whenever Titans Tomorrow ended) really hasn’t been to my taste, so I let the book lapse. Titans East drew me back in due to Batgirl.
Well played, DC Comics. You trick me into talking about not buying a book and then you put a scribe I really enjoy on it. Well played, indeed.
And with today’s issue of TT, there may be a solution to the Cassandra Cain thing that’s got everyone’s knickers in a huge twist.
Cripes, I hadn’t even realized TT came out today. Sure enough, I left the store without it, too. Crap. I’ll have to grab some spoilers from somewhere.
The last year and half, maybe two (whenever Titans Tomorrow ended) really hasn’t been to my taste, so I let the book lapse. Titans East drew me back in due to Batgirl.
I’m in the same boat, though I did come back for a couple of OYL issues before bailing again. [The completist in me shudders.] I’ve been hoping Johns would give way to Scott Beatty but Beechen definitely works for me.
As for the latest issue, I flipped through it at the store tonight and I won’t spoil it for you but it’s some serious deus ex machina that almost works because of the “reason” behind it. I’ll be glad when they just move past it all.
I scoped it out.
What a shocking twist. We’ll see how it goes, I guess.
It has the stench of “Well, the fans REALLY don’t like this, so we better bolt on a quick retcon!” but I think it’s necessary. I mean, if they don’t want her to be Batgirl, why can’t she be Kasumi?
I don’t know how the timing works out on that, though. Titans East was announced as one of the “big deals” going into Infinite Crisis, but my oh my is the handling on the swerve just sloppy enough that you may be right. :/
Also, please let her be Kasumi and hang out with Vera Lynn and Coldcast and al-Sheikh and Flash and…