Volume One of The Invisibles
February 6th, 2012 by Esther Inglis-Arkell |I’ve started reading The Invisibles because I wanted to read something very unlike regular comics, and something I’d want to respond to. It half-worked. The Invisibles is, in its allusions, its characters, its narrative, and its aims far different from mainstream comics. I don’t have much to say about it, though, at least not at this point. Part of that is its departure from comics.
No one can say that Grant Morrison doesn’t fully flesh out his characters. They’re great, voluptuous, curvy things by the time he gets done with them, which is why they so often bother me. The central character of volume one, who becomes Jack Frost and who I will refer to by his ‘superhero’ name for simplicity’s sake, starts out as a mean, ungrateful, character who has a mind but prefers not to use it, opting for mindless violence. The book starts out with him burning a library. Perhaps a loftier reader could look at this with a detached interest. I really can’t. My immediate reaction to things like that is to mutter, “You ass! You’re ruining it for everyone!” After that, I nurse a dislike for the character, a little like a sore spot, to the point where I giggled just a bit when someone snipped off his finger. (I’d flipped to the back to make sure he came out okay, first. I’m not a monster.)
The problem is I couldn’t enjoy my dislike, because of the scenes in which it shows, in part, why the kid was screwed up the way he was. It seemed like every time he asked for a break, or looked to someone for basic compassion and understanding, people turned away. Which is why I could understand when, after being caught by police, sent to a sadistic indoctrination center posing as a correctional facility, and living on the streets until he nearly starves, he grabs on to the first person to be even the slightest bit nice to him. Luckily, Tom seems to be on the side of the Invisibles, if not the angels, and dispenses wisdom in manageable bunches. What I didn’t understand is why Tom tended to dispense that wisdom via eye-stealing, pushing off cliffs, or brutal ass-kicking. I suppose some comics conventions can’t be discarded.
The middle third of the story can be roughly described as Tom using compassion, dogged-perseverance, magic, and the occasional beating to gradually get the kid to shed all the miserable stuff he’d believed made him strong, and then Tom symbolically dies and turns the kid over to The Invisibles, a group of misfits fighting a personified conformity. They go back in time. Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and (unfortunately) the Marquis de Sade make appearances, sometimes in their time, sometimes in our own, and sometimes in a surreal dream space. A guy with somebody else’s face attacks them. They split up and star in vignettes about individuality. Jack Frost quits the Invisibles. We all know he’ll be back.
And that’s where The Invisibles shakes me. It’s not that I don’t think the various stories indicate inventive ideas, and it’s not that I don’t think that that’s valuable. It’s just that at some point the first volume becomes like being told a person’s dreams; and not their first dream, or their most interesting dream, but an entire night’s worth of dreaming. If there’s one thing you can rely on mainstream comics for, it’s a story set around a clear central concept. If you forget what that concept is, it will be restated up to three times per floppy. I like structure – a plot that snaps together. This is one of the reasons I liked the Rogers’ Blue Beetle series so much. Random digressions happened all the time, but in the end the entire series stacked up to something with a structure. Still, this is the first volume of The Invisibles. We’ll see how the rest progress.
Welcome back.
Nice to read your stuff again. From what I can gather as a Johnny-come-lately, the Arcadia arc lost a lot of people as well. I still don’t have a strong grasp on it. It does seem to get (relatively) more coherant as the series progresses.
Yeah, the time travel story shook EVERYBODY, even hardcore Morrison fans, at the time. You’re pretty much over the hump now.
Yeah. I love the Invisibles in the same way I love Casanova. There’s issues I take with it – mostly just feeling that I’m sometimes not getting it – but I appreciate it for being everything that creator is interested/passionate about and being put to paper.
It’s true about the Time Travel Story – once you’re past that it tends to get a bit more accessible.
@W4: Thanks!
@everyone else -It’s good to know that I’m not alone in finding the arc challenging. Interesting that the series kept its momentum after that arc. Onwards!
I originally picked up the Invisibles at a Morrison signing, and when I grabbed volume 1 at the table, he said to me – if you are going to try it, please stick with it through the end of the 2nd trade, b/c the first is difficult to get into. I took his advice and I thought he was right – kind of like watching the Wire (and I’m not equating this with the Wire, just showing the similarity in taking time to digest the world a bit) – I always tell people to give it 7 or 8 episodes for it to really dig the hooks in.
Why “unfortunately” to the Marquis?
It can be difficult- and the deadly dull Yeowell art in that first trade does it no favors- but by the end of the third volume, at least, you’ll be over the moon. It’s worth the ride.
The last issue of The Invisibles is my favorite single issue of comics
A piece of advice: assuming you finish the series, go back and reread the first volume (at least). The Arcadia stuff might be just as undesirable, but you’ll probably appreciate/enjoy the Dane itroduction a bit more.
Patrick Meaney’s Our Sentence is Up: Seeing Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles is a nice companion, though I can’t remember if it gives away things as you’re going along, so it is probably best to look at it after you’re done. I think it’s still $5 on the kindle too!
@Red Scharlach: Nothing much. I’m just not a big fan of The Marquis de Sade.