Are they scanning Marvel’s comics from inside the House of Ideas?!
February 15th, 2012 by david brothers | Tags: piracyWhen looking at scanned print comics, one thing usually sticks out. Unless the scanner takes great care, each page will differ in size just a little bit. Scanners use Fit Width to make sure all the pages are the same width, but unless your scan is perfect (or you go back through later to crop for consistency, though that has problems of its own), you’re looking at pages that may be sized 1280×1028, 1280×1020, or 1280×1030, as a few random examples. It’s not a huge deal for the reader, and really you’ll only notice if you’re paying close attention, which I imagine is why this is generally true of comics that were physically scanned. There are a few other things that are specific to print scans, too, like the occasional hair that got scanned in, artifacts, evidence of where someone joined a two-page spread, and moire.
The new hotness are digital scans. Common sense suggests that the scanners take the digital comics themselves, strip them out of the reader, and then package them up. They don’t just use the iPad screenshot function, either. The scans are higher quality than that, and aren’t subject to the brightness setting on the iPad. They’re also of a uniform resolution — a recent digital scan of Daredevil is 988×1500 throughout, save for a two-page spread and one other exception. The recap page is 995×1500. Ultimate X-Men #7 is 1280×1943. Avengers 22, which wasn’t even released digitally but was released as a digital scan, is 1280×1944.
It’s possible that these are just print scans, sure, but not likely. I’ve been talking through this conundrum with David Uzumeri for a couple of weeks now. We’re both interested in the technology behind how this works, if only for curiosity’s sake. We got our Nancy Drew on and found something interesting. We’re pretty sure that the digital scans of Marvel’s comics aren’t being scanned by who or how you’d think they are.
Print scans tend to be around 150dpi or higher, for the sake of image quality. The recent digital scans I’ve looked through have been 72dpi. Most of them have been created using Adobe Photoshop CS3 for Windows, though a couple scanners use CS5. There’s an aura of perfection around these scans that makes it unlikely that someone is just posting print comics with a digital tag for the sake of shenanigans.
Where do these they come from? They’re not iPad screenshots. I don’t think it’s someone taking screenshots off ComiXology, either. The images are too clean and too perfect for that, plus ComiXology’s web reader sucks. Good luck getting anything readable out of that thing. Edit: Several people have pointed out that it’s actually really easy to pull images from ComiXology using simple functions that are built into your web browser. I tried it out and yeah, man, I was totally wrong there. My bad.
A clue. Here’s the print cover to Daredevil 9 and the digital scan cover right after it.

They look fine, right? Both are totally reasonable covers, and the lack of UPC feels right for digital comics. The rub, though is that digital comics have a copyright notice on the cover, every single time. “ยฉ2012 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved. WWW.MARVEL.COM.” The digital scans don’t have that warning, and show no sign of it having been photoshopped out.
Here’s the raw cover from the solicitations:

Now, unless the scanners are carefully photoshopping in the logo each time (they aren’t, don’t be ridiculous), then something’s up. The plot thickens when you realize that the font and placement of the credits on the cover on the legit digital version differ from the digital scan. It doesn’t differ a lot, usually, but the fonts are visually different and sometimes the credits are off by a few inches. In this case the credits are different.
There’s a chance the scanners could have figured out how to hack ComiXology to dump the pages, but would still require buying a whole lot of comics once they go live and processing them immediately. Considering how small the digital scan groups are, that’s pretty unlikely. All of the DC scans slowly trickle in after 2pm EST, their official release time. Scanners aren’t likely to obey idiotic online street dates, and they can’t scan books without buying them. That limits them to ComiXology’s release time.
All the Marvel books arrive at once, though, and in pristine condition. There’s something undeniably fishy there. My first thought was that people were scanning Marvel comics they got on Tuesday at their comic shops, but if that were true, we’d see DC and Image books following that pattern, too. My second thought, and one that seems more reasonable and likely, is that there’s a leak somewhere in the supply chain.
Taken all together: There are covers that differ from any legit cover. Pages that are pitch-perfect. DPI that matches across the board. Recap pages that occasionally vary in size, just like they do in official Marvel electronic review copies. Every Marvel comic is available early and all at once on the scan site du jour. DC comics appear in a trickle after 2pm EST. By 7pm EST on Wednesday, every big two comic is available for download, but well before that, Marvel’s entire line-up for the week is ready to go.
It’s pretty clear from this evidence that there’s a leak somewhere along the supply chain. Someone’s getting access to a PDF, or something, and dumping it to JPG before releasing it to the net. Converting a PDF to a series of JPGs is simple in Photoshop, and once you set up a good action to save the images, this is something that takes no more than five minutes to do, RAM and size of PDF depending.
The PDF thing is easy to prove, due mainly to the janky fonts on the covers and in the issue. Whatever tool the scanners use to dump the jpegs doesn’t actually have the fonts the comics require, so we get a next-best and unobtrusive replacement. They use InDesign to dump, is my guess, and then Photoshop to re-size. You can actually see this error at work in all of DC’s preview comics, because the price and issue number are incorrect. (quick edit: check the comments for something I screwed up on the PDF front, though it doesn’t really change the thrust of the post…)
Actually, quick sidebar: DC’s preview images are enormous in size, usually weighing in at a megabyte a page or more. DC’s doing no post-processing on their previews, basically, so the pages are too large to actually read in a web browser comfortably, too high-res to be worth saving, and clear enough to see all of the weird PDF signatures that books have before they go to print. Dear DC Comics: you gotta do better with that. It’s embarrassingly amateur. Drop it to like 1280 on the long side and maybe 350 or 500kb max per page. Or, y’know, look at how every comics site reformats your previews and format it like that.
Anyway, if the DC thing doesn’t convince you, Uzumeri found a smoking gun. The photo is from the issue of Uncanny X-Men he bought on Wednesday. The clean image is from the scan.

The scan is missing the musical notes, which are presumably some type of font that the scanners do not have access to, or maybe a layer that was missed out of the source of the scan.
We found another gun in Daredevil 9. The captions on this page are from the following page. Daredevil is underground and tracking the Mole Man. The captions have nothing to do with the Black Cat, though it is funny how they almost work with the scene, at least in terms of how they’re positioned on the page.

Or this other other gun, in Winter Soldier 1. There’s a scene that’s out of place in the digital scan. Pages 11 and 12 of the digital comic come before page 7 in the digital scan. It’s a mistake that’s easy to make, but there’s a subtle transition between pages 6 and 7 in the digital comic that show it as a definite mistake. This is curious, because if you’re dumping a PDF, all the pages come pre-numbered. Did someone have a bum PDF or InDesign file?
The clean covers begin to make sense now, too. If I had to guess, I would assume that the copyright, credits, and UPC are separate layers in one file. When they export to print or digital, they can tick a box and show the UPC or copyright, depending on the requirements of the situation. Cover elements like the credits can be maneuvered around pretty easily, but the scans always have them near where they are on the printed comic. Actually, looking at the Daredevil cover… the credits and Marvel logo are terribly placed. They’re high enough that something should go below them. What is THAT about?
So, who is it? Who’s got the PDFs?
Who it isn’t:
Fans: The fans who scan use printed comics, or have figured out how to dump ComiXology’s images (maybe dipping into wherever Flash stores its cache?). This is too perfect for that, and the little problems that crop up are unlikely in that situation.
Retailers: I asked around and spoke to a retailer. Retailers do get electronic preview copies on their retail resource site, but strictly at Marvel’s whim. The last one they got was was Chris Yost and Ryan Stegman’s Scarlet Spider #1 around a month before that came out. Right now, there are no previews on the page. No previews mean no scans. Nah son.
Press: Marvel doles out preview PDFs on Thursdays, but they just have eight pages. When Marvel wants to use you to pimp some new comic of theirs, they’ll shoot you a link to a full PDF. The sheer volume of books available, though, suggests that it ain’t the press. Marvel’s got no reason to flood the press with books when the press is more than happy to review every Marvel comic every week.
ComiXology: This was my first guess, actually. They’d have access to the files, and they messed around and released Justice League several hours early, enabling scanners to get it up before it even came out last year. But the files are different than the actual ComiXology files in very specific ways. ComiXology would probably have the fonts needed to convert Marvel books to whatever digital proprietary format they use, too, so the fonts would look how they should. Not to mention the recap pages, which are specific to the digital edition due to how the indicia is formatted.
It’s not the fans, retailers, press, or ComiXology, I’m pretty certain that at least three of those are 100% correct. Let’s go back to Daredevil 9’s busted page. It is impossible for a scanner to make that mistake. There’s no way for it to happen. There are four different page elements that have been transposed onto another page, leaving the next page silent save for its hand drawn sound effects. If the text is a single layer on its own, though… I could see how that could happen.
Who it is:
Marvel?: That means that either the scanners have access to Marvel’s pre-press files, which is amazing, or someone who works closely with Marvel, whether on the production side or at the printer, is slipping a scanner PDFs. There’s no way that the lettering could be transposed by a third party, and the font issue suggests that it’s someone fairly high up on the supply chain.
One last smoking gun. The Ultimate X-Men 7 digital scan includes a page advertising the digital edition of the comic. There’s a big blank space where the redemption code should go. I don’t have a digital comic version of this to check, but I’m willing to bet cash money that no digital comic version of this issue would include an access code for the digital comic. This is from a print comic.

More proof: the indicia in the digital scans include the print indicia, included the date the comic was manufactured. In the case of Ultimate X-Men 7, it was between 01/20/2012 and 01/31/2012 by Quad/Graphics Jonesboro, in Jonesboro, AK. Every printed comic has this info in it. The digital ones have a seriously abridged version of the print indicia, and no info on the printer.
Messed up fonts, print indicia, missing digital comics redemption codes, the fact that Avengers 22 is available as a digital scan despite not being available on ComiXology (or on Marvel’s stupidly exclusive app), the standard DPI, the rigid resolution, the perfect scans… it’s obvious what this is. Someone’s got Marvel’s print-ready files before they’re finalized, and they’re slapping them up online as digital scans. Clever girl.
Marvel: your ship is leaking, whether it’s internal, an FTP hack, or on the way to the printer.
Edit: Thanks to Uzumeri’s dogged determination, we figured out what the hack is this morning. It isn’t a person, it’s a security leak, and we emailed Marvel about it.
one more edit: Marvel closed the hole we found, though I don’t think it’ll lessen how often or easily Marvel’s books can be pirated, except in a few very specific instances. This was one hole that was very easy to exploit. There are others that are completely unavoidable.
The art in the PDF’s is never that clear.
These are the proofs that get sent to the printer.
Oh my lord. :damn:
Slow clap.
Shit just got real. :c00l:
That’s a whole lot of explanation for something that’s pretty obvious. This is how leaking works.
Impressive sleuthing!
This a) is an impressive bit of detective work, b) is a hugely nice bit of nerdy design detective work, which I appreciate as a nerdy design student, and c) should be sent to Marvel so they can do something about it.
I’m just interested in the fact that apparently comics get printed in Arkansas. Weird. Especially in Jonesboro of all places.
(and this is just cause I’m tired of punk bands doing it when they list tour dates, but yo, AK is Alaska. AR is Arkansas. Duh.)
FTP hack seems most likely. DC had a (that we know of) problem with this a while back, and it’s trivial to do if the admins aren’t being vigilant about software updates and network security. It also allows an outside third party to be involved, who probably has the most motivation to do it. Beyond that, I’d work backwards from the last place that gets the digital file and then towards Marvel as less likely. Although, an insider along the way totally nullifies any network security, so maybe not.
Regardless, this is an awesome read. Kudos.
There also seems to be “more” art on that digital Uncanny page than there is in the printed version. Look at Storm’s hair at the top of the page. The end is cut off in print, but not in digital.
Anyway, I expect it’s someone in the supply chain, like the printers. That’s where the weakness seems to be in the movie and music industries.
That is some crazy good detective work.
Back in the ’90s, when I was working for a rival comics company, and both Marvel and we were using a service bureau in the East ’40s to output cover and text page films for printing at Quebecor, the bureau’s staff were constantly bitching that the Marvel crew didn’t know how to prepare files for print output, often failing to embed font files or sending low-rez (72 ppi) art.
Some things never change. :rolleyes:
Aren’t review PDF copies also sent to the major sites that do reviews for the purpose of reviewing?
Either way great bit.
Where you are wrong – ripping images from the comixology app in high resolution is really dead-simple.
The rest, I can’t judge.
Thanks for reading, everybody.
@Karel: How does it work? Someone mentioned capturing HTTP info and then stripping out the image links. Is that it?
@Rick: I discuss that very thing in the post
@Scoops: We were talking about that last night. Apparently the digital comics version features all of that extra art, too, so we’re technically getting more content (in a way) with digital comics than print.
@david brothers: My bad
[…] of every Marvel and DC Comics title by the afternoon of their release, but where do they come from? David Brothers and David Uzumeri did some sleuthing and speculating, and came up with a surprising answer: The Marvel scans are coming from an inside source, either […]
On blast. Good work sir.
Man, that is quite the Greg Land artwork
Interesting …..
About 50% of the webrippers are former scanners/editors, others are their recruits or people who have found a way to rip from comixology on their own. Because, the source is comixology, no matter if you don’t believe it. Any other source (including the digital comics sold through marvel.com) would have less image compression artifacts (or none). Usually the rippers upscale the images to 1280 pixel width and apply some filter to do minor adjustments to the images color or noise.
Considering that Marvel sometimes gives advanced wordless previews, the word balloons and dialog are in a separate file layered above the raster image (which they are, as SWF files). So perhaps someone at Marvel goes through their server hosting the JPG’s and SWF’s, then stitches them together. Marvel’s changing the delivery of its Digital Comics Unlimited last December wasn’t enough of a deterrent, unfortunately.
And I gotta echo what karel said about comiXology issues easy to extract.
For a time, Marvel used to make nearly all of its weekly comics available as PDFs to a few websites. Then, after a couple of leaks that ruined announcements meant to be made at an upcoming convention (WW: Chicago?), it shut that down. So those PDFs haven’t been available for a couple of years, before the rise of digitial distriution, even. Lately, they’ve passed along an advanced PDF or two at a time for books they’re looking to get word out on, but not the whole line-up.
The ultimate irony, of course, was that the leaks of those images that ended the PDFs program were clearly not from the PDFs, since they were scans of printed materials. (The dotted colors/moire patterns gave it away.) I always guessed someone had access to either proof copies or the printers, themselves.
So, yes, it’s definitely an inside job somewhere along the line.
@Zone: We were so close, weren’t we? Uzumeri figured it out this morning, though. I’m pretty impressed, it was clever.
The whole point of PDF’s is that you don’t need the fonts on your computer to read a file. Its all self contained…PDF’s embed the fonts and the appropriate glyphs in the document. Thats how you can make copy edits in Acrobat Pro. If the fonts get “dropped out”, you don’t get missing areas like that. You get default glyphs replaced, or little boxes with X’s in them for each character. But then if it was a font issue like that it would effect every other instance of that font and not just one word balloon.
@design guy: Huh, yeah, you’re right. I feel like I’ve definitely run into font errors when working with improperly exported PDFs in my day job, though, which is what I was going by. Thanks for posting that.
All of the issues and errors that are pointed out here are present in abundance in Marvel Digial Comics Unlimited (the subscription plan Marvel has for digital comics). Word bubbles are distorted or in the wrong place, the recap page is larger than every other page, which are otherwise of uniform size, the covers are frequently different than any print or digital version… I would bet my life that these are ripped form MDCU using a screen capture utility EXCEPT that they are being put out day-of-release (which MDCU does not have, typically comics don’t show up as part of MDCU for many months after release)…
Wow, fantastic and enlightening article.
I understand if you can’t elaborate, but I am curious as to what you mean by it being a security leak rather than a person? A security leak usually is either a person or a person taking advantage of a a security weakness? Was information being accidentally revealed through an automated process? Or do you mean someone unassociated with Marvel was taking advantage of a security weakness?
As I said, I completely understand if this is not something you want to elaborate on at this point, but I’m hella impressed by this article and very curious for a broad, conceptual clarification of the solution to the mystery!
Nice work, herm!
I’ve got a hunch as to how exactly it is done, but explaining it here in detail might not be ideal. However I do know that when Marvel updated the MDCU service in December, the JPGs and SWFs for the issues are no longer cached on the subscriber’s PC.
@Ravinโ Ray: Please don’t! I’d like to give Marvel time to fix it before talking it out in anything other than vague terms.
@Rebecca: I hope to in the future in a general sense. Security weakness is probably the most accurate term, or flaw. Someone unassociated with Marvel found a hole in their security.
@david brothers thank you! That was exactly the clarification I was looking for and I look forward to any future article you write on the issue.
[…] David Brothers over at 4th Letter provides an in-depth analysis of how pirated comics hit the Internet and surmises that it’s very possible that pirating of Marvel material is being done from the inside. […]
@david brothers:
I respect your request and I won’t reveal anything more. I just hope that Marvel gets to the bottom of this because if it doesn’t, a knowlegeable PC user without any advanced “hacking” skills can do the pilfering.
Marvel has full review PDF’s that they DO give out to “trusted” sources by Thursday. They did one time accidently give them to me instead of the preview copies.
I have seen some “news organizations” upload the review copies (or links to them online) for their “press corp” to have easier access to.
My bet is that one of these people are leaking the location of these comics (or did so at one point). Imagine it something like website.com/review-copies/marvel/feb-15 or something.
Seeing how Marvel usually uploads their solicits a head of being officially released, and someone on the net always manages to discover them through url manipulation, this comes as no surprise.
Marvel needs to get their stuff together!
@Duh: I’m willing to bet that you have a comment like this — or several — on just about every website you visit, letting people know how obvious the articles are and how brilliant you are.
You’re a genius. Good for you. Now please shut up and let the rest of us learn something.
Endless Mike said:
“*writes 2000 words accusing people of leaking things without ever suggesting it might be an IT security issue*
*tacks on 20 at the end that it’s an IT security issue*”
“OMG this COULD be HUGE stunning NEWS!” Oh wait no it’s not. Thinking about digital comics digital comics digital comics day in and day out has given you a distorted perspective.
@Aaron Poehler: I didn’t suggest it might be an IT security issue (though I did say it could be an FTP hack) because the actual IT security issue it was is so dumb that I figured that wasn’t it. Uzumeri kept digging, and showed me I was wrong.
And I don’t think about digital comics day in, day out, you clown. I write about digital comics on the weekends for CA, and that’s about it. I don’t even get how that would distort my perspective. The evidence we found suggested printer files. But sure, keep talking about what I think about.
It’s really very simple:
1. Marvel and DC make more money from licenses than they do the comics themselves. To keep characters viable, you need to get them out to an audience. When popular comics are only selling 150k copies, you must take action.
2. If you scan a comic book, the first thing you’ll notice is: i. You can see through ANY white spaces into the image on the opposite side of the page. ii., It’s really hard to scan a page PERFECTLY straight.
All those DCP and Minuteman and whatever else is out there do not have those issues.
The comics companies do this via their printing houses but prep them PRIOR to a final proofread by the editor. Hence the errors.
I should add: You’re confusing “inside job” with “adding value to our product” — nothing quite as nefarious as what you’re describing is happening.
You should spend more time thinking and writing about the Coke Rewards program instead.
BTW, One question for you guys: Why is this article confined to Marvel?
Every company — from Oni to DC — seems to be out there on the web. And, from what I can see just by a Google search, it looks like the digital “pirated” releases are ALWAYS w/in a week of the actual releases.
Considering there are only a couple printers the companies use, it’s pretty clear that this is something they’re ALL doing in cooperation w/their printing houses.
@Kplan: You should read the entire post before you comment. It’s confined to Marvel because it’s Marvel books that were different. I know how the other scans happen, and it’s not happening at the printer. Marvel isn’t stupid enough to pirate their own material. That’s a silly point of view to have.
Wow, David Bros., what a rude and obnoxious reply. Considering that I wasn’t attacking you, while so many others have been, I’d think you’d be interested in some actual discourse.
But, no, apparently you prefer to incite and argue with poorly thought-out commentary which mirrors your article.
Perhaps if you had any real-world experience in publishing — or even in business at all — you’d appreciate a post that was calmly and, even in a friendly way, offering another POV.
Then again, perhaps you have your backs up so much based on how many people have attacked your post.
The fact that you’d think any company who can’t muster enough sales to pay for their own product isn’t going to look at “alternative” distribution outlets is small-minded. Especially since those alternatives actually help their ancillary businesses thrive.
But I’ve probably used too many syllables for you already.
@Kplan: No backs up, no defensiveness, and I work with a printer a couple times a month and designers daily. I don’t know how telling you to read the post that talks directly about what you’re suggesting is rude and obnoxious, but sure.
I think comics pay for themselves perfectly fine. The movie money is nicer, but if the comics weren’t turning a profit, they wouldn’t be making them.
all you did was delay the downloads from being released for another day or two. the “digital” releases were a fairly recent development anyway. to be honest, the scanned copies look better IMO. you should find something better to do with your time. piracy will march on.
@Banjo: Nah, not days. Hours, is all. And this didn’t take up enough of my time to be a big deal. Maybe forty-five minutes of writing and thirty minutes of talking things through with Uzumeri.
Honest-to-goodness investigative comics journalism. Nice work.
That is some damn impressive investigating. Well done.
Im curious, did the security leak you found explain the digital release of Avengers 22 that wasnt supposed to be released digitally, or is it the explanation for Marvel titles appearing an hour or 2 earlier than DC? All the talk about differences between digital and print release scans seems silly to me. The digital releases are simply slightly different because its a different format and has different accuracy errors to contend with than print.
I paid you two gumshoes good money to find me the whereabouts of Carmen Sandiego and THIS is what you do with your time? smh
Bah, who cares I wouldn’t be caught dead even reading Marvel Comics for free they suck so fucking bad these days.
“Print scans tend to be around 150dpi or higher, for the sake of image quality. The recent digital scans Iโve looked through have been 72dpi”
It does NOT matter. I can change it easily using Photoshop or cleaning the metadata.
So, if it was a security flaw*, I wonder if this security leak was of such nature that private information pertaining to users** might be revealed as well through it?
I admit that right now I don’t fancy the idea that my information might be compromised by this.
* Most likely explanation for this, since PHP/SQL/HTML injections can creep in through development, although I suspect that the flaw in question was probably something ridiculously easy.
** Credit card numbers, e-mails, passwords, address information. If the user is also underage, it may cause an additional complication to the whole situation.
@david brothers: Sorry for late reply.
Yes, for example watching HTTP traffic, or looking at Chrome’s “network” page, or inspecting cache.
You can do it yourself – open comixology.com in chrome, browse to the actual comics reader, view the Developer Tools in chrome (it is somewhere in the menu) – click “Network”, reload the page, and you can see addresses of the .jpegs directly. You can copy them somewhere and download them.
Example from Animal Man – developer tools on the right, the actual high resolution image on the left
if you want to do it in higher numbers, you will probably have to script it somehow.
Great piece and even better detective work! I just wanted to point out that it’s pretty easy to make a digital copy out of the comixology app for iPad. You just have to do a screen capture, and then export the files and combine them into a compressed file. I’m not sure how it would fare in bigger resolutions, but the end result should be a perfectly readable comic for an iPad-sized screen. And the whole process would take some 15 minutes? maybe less.
I feel like you now need to have the official title of “Internet Detective” added to your name. ๐
That is some damn fine investigative journalism. nice job, David.
Excellent article. I was starting to think that marvel was releasing the files themselves with errors to drum up attention, but that thought fell through quickly. No way Disney would allow that.
Really good work, also dont know why people have gotten upset about this. except for the three pirates sweating in the corner, lol. another nice post
[…] The 4thletter hicieron una investigaciรณn para ver como era posible que los comics de Marvel aparecieran antes […]
[…] lawsuits and piracy it has been a bad week or comics, The comic world sometimes its not a nice place, I love the artist […]
@Augie De Blieck Jr.: If we’re thinking of the same incident, yeah, it was someone on the inside. They were my source back in the day and they took to a popular site for image posting to start getting the word out before they gave me further details on that one.
It’s one of the many things I didn’t like about Marvel: they knew from the quality of the image that it wasn’t any of their coverage partners (and not just because how securely they’re placed in their hip pocket), but still punished the review teams.
[…] ืขืืชืงืื ืืืืืืืื ืฉื ืืืจื ืื ืืจื ืกืจืืงืช ืืืืจืืช ืื ืืืืืืืช, ืืื ืืืืขื ืืืืืคื ืืืืฉืจ ืืชืื ืืืืฆืื ืขืฆืื. ืืขื ืื ื ืืืจ, Ain't Karma a […]
[…] Are Marvel bootlegs an inside job? Found via: Bleeding Cool – Original Source: Robot 6 – 4th Letter […]
looks like your write up did nothing as it seems the minutemen get their Marvel books early as well because they are posted same time as last week all over major warez sites
@Karel: Is that a Mac flaw or is that on Windows and Linux as well?
@Dirt its on windows
[…] 4thletter! » Blog Archive » Are they scanning Marvel’s comics from inside the Hous… […]
Tom, why did you have to contact Marvel about this? What a bloody spoilsport you are. Just bugger off, you bastard.