RIP Dwayne McDuffie
February 22nd, 2011 by david brothers | Tags: dwayne mcduffieCBR is saying that Dwayne McDuffie has died. I’m pretty bummed out. He’d said a couple of nice things about my writing over the past year, which, I dunno, felt like getting a compliment from a father or something. I’ll have more thoughts later, I’m sure, but ugh.
Aw man.
That’s awful news.
All my best to his family in this difficult time.
I’m not very good writing in response to tragedies like this, but I’ll try. Dwayne McDuffie was a great talent with a great sense of humor. Whether it was comic books or animation, he was one of the best. I had never interacted with the man myself, but I’ve never heard anything negative.
Justice League is one of my favorite shows and yet I didn’t even think about that when I first heard the news. If anything, I thought about how McDuffie was able to spin straw into gold. While he was able to take the ball and run with it with the DC cartoons or make his own characters shine, I was always more impressed by how he could take a bad property or mandated story and work through it. He gave his best and more often than not came out with pleasant surprises.
I don’t want this to seem masturbatory, but I find a little solace in that post David made a week and a half ago. He wrote a Black History Month post on McDuffie that acted as a love letter to the man. McDuffie became aware of it and was genuinely pleased with it. McDuffie certainly meant an awful lot to David and many, many fans like him. It’s at least nice to see that he could see that love from those who enjoyed his work before it was too late.
RIP, Mr. McDuffie. You will be missed.
I’m with you. The guy deserves a book sized obituary, but the only thing I can write with any sincerity is “fuck.”
the world needed mcduffie. This is amazingly sad news.
It’s really heartbreaking because he’s done so much and I feel his best work was still ahead of him. Like, it’s weird to say because he’s someone who was already really talented and good at his craft who seemed to get better with each new project.
He’ll very much be missed.
Damn, not the best way to end Black History Month. RIP DMcD, and thanks for all the great comics and cartoons.
Rest in Peace Mr McDuffie… :frown:
This was so sudden and saddening. Here’s to the man and good comics!
RIP. Always liked McDuffie as a writer.
DCAU made my afternoons and weekends growing up and in time I found Milestone. Great writer, gone too soon
McDuffie’s script for All-Star Superman did the book justice. Pick the movie up if you haven’t already.
The man’s work meant a lot to me. Reading some of the comments, especially Gavok’s left me a little choked up.
I can’t imagine what his family is going through.
I’m also sorry for McDuffie, himself. Judging by interviews, he was looking forward to the promise of the future. I’m sorry, for his sake, that he wont be able to see that future.
But I will try to be happy for the time he did have and, of course, the time we had with him.
I echo Gavok in being pleased that David wrote his McDuffie tribute before it was too late. My sadness over the passing of Dwayne has turned to gladness in realizing that he left a legacy that extends from corporate comics to creator-owned work to animation.His life and career serves as a powerful model for aspiring creators of all colors.