The Cipher 10/27/10
October 27th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: bulletproof coffin, cipher, david allison, richard corbenthe new NERD album sucks
-I am positively drowning in existential crises. Pardon my dust. Fourcast! is on a brief break.
–Corben on Hellboy is always worth a glance. More on Corben.
–Bulletproof Coffin is a great book, and this bit of analysis by David Allison is great in part because it’s something I never would’ve done. About half his thoughts/connections never even crossed my mind, and that’s a wonderful thing. This is what comics internet is good for: learning stuff.
-Related: Someone please put the most recent issues of Bulletproof Coffin up so I can buy them digital. Thanks in advance. I love you.
-What’s comics internet isn’t good for: decent interviews with crap headlines. I like Kaare Andrews, and I thought this interview was pretty swift, but that headline has got to go. The biggest thing in there was Andrews “Slutting Up Emma?” Nothing about what makes a good film vs comic? Nothing about the experience of creating a movie vs a comic? He says a lot of interesting things, and that is the least of them.
-More good: Mike Hawthrone and Nathan Fairbain collab on an Elektra Lives Again piece. The colors on this are fantastic, dead-on.
-More good: Tim O’Neil points out some screwed up priorities in Batman comics. Hey, doesn’t this make Vicki Vale an accomplice? Send old girl to jail. Make it a Crisis. “Child Slavers Crisis!” It’ll move units. (No Larry Flynt.)
-Matt Seneca is a cool dude, and I always enjoy his Monday Panels. I’m not sure how old he is, other than “probably 20s,” but I like seeing how our tastes crisscross (or don’t). I don’t know from half of what he talks about, beyond it being stuff I should’ve read before now, and I’m impressed with his depth of knowledge of that stuff. I’m just good at putting together puzzle pieces. Matt’s good people.
-I really like this bit from Peter Milligan and Giuseppe Camuncoli’s Hellblazer: India. It’s probably completely opaque, but something about it, maybe the trade of barbs or just the voices I’m hearing when I read it, clicks. Perfect Constantine to me.

what happened, son?
-Create: Some Halloween ish, some previews for Beasts of Burden/Hellboy (review soon, tl;dr is “good!”), T-bolts, and Deadpool MAX, some solicit previews, and a review of Panty & Stocking.
-Consume: I re-read Yasuhiro Nightow’s Trigun 1-2, and Trigun Maximum 1-3, but boy are those crap. Art’s okay in TM, but the translation is soft (Who says -san and oi! in the old west?) and plotting so-so. John Constantine, Hellblazer: India was good. Other than those, nothing really sticks out. What have I been doing over the past week? Oh, right, I got Def Jam Rapstar
, one of the three games a year made for black people. I like it a lot, but the DLC schedule is absurd. The only song we get this MIMS’s “This Is Why I’m Hot”? And why isn’t “Grindin'” on the PS3 store? The devs released a statement about it, but man. I’ll probably get Rock Band 3
eventually so I can play the Bob Marley joints. The song line up is pretty thoro.
Nina Simone’s The Lady Has The Blues is five bucks, by the bay.
In Search Of… was great, though
David: Amazing Spider-Man 646, Thunderbolts 149
Esther: Action Comics 894
Gavin: Justice League Generation Lost 12, Time Masters Vanishing Point 4, Avengers 6, Avengers & Infinity Gauntlet 3, Captain America 611, Deadpool Team-Up 888, Incredible Hulks 615, Secret Avengers 6, Secret Warriors 21, Thunderbolts 149, Ultimate Comics Avengers 3 3
[b]Thunderbolts 149[/b], [b]Action 894[/b], and [b]Hellboy/Beasts of Burden[/b] for me. I wanted to grab the Brubaler books as well ([b]Captain America[/b], [b]Secret Avengers[/b], and [b]Incognito[/b]) but I know I’ll buy those whenever they get collected so I finally convinced myself to drop the single issues.
Rock Band 3 is amazing, I’m loving the pro-keyboards. It’s not a perfect game, but it is a large step forward in the music game genre. Harmonix always says their game cycle tends to innovate in one game then perfect it in the next (as seen with [b]Frequency[/b]–>[b]Amplitude[/b], [b]Guitar Hero[/b] –>[b]Guitar Hero 2[/b], and then [b]Rock Band[/b]–>[b]Rock Band 2[/b]), so basically I can’t wait until Rock Band 4 inevitably comes.
@Neil: Guess I should’ve read how to actually bold things instead of relying on SA forum style. Whoops.
I had to deal with a momentous decision. Buying the Jill Thompson drawn cover for Hellboy/Beasts of Burden or the Mike Mignola one. Both feature Hellboy holding a pug dog. It was truly a Sophie’s Choice kind of moment. But then I saw that the Thomspon one was a $1 cheaper and so it was suddenly an easy decision. I bet that movie lady would have had an easier time picking which of her kids lived or died if one had come with a $1 off…
In Search Of… was fantastic. I remember not liking it at first, but by the second or third listen I loved it.
@DrewT: I wasn’t feeling the original version, but once the one with real instruments dropped, I was hooked.
@LurkerWithout: Both covers were the same price. Is your comic shop gouging you?
@david brothers: Never have before. Clerk must have misread the price on the Mignola cover…
Basically most of Gavin’s lsit plus Lex Luthor/Death
Hey, is this the David Allison piece you meant to link to?
‘Cause the link in the post is not clickable. (At least for me.)