Pretty Girls: Sara Pichelli
August 25th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: pretty girls, sara pichelli
Sara Pichelli: Twitter (defunct), blog, black and white art
Books: Runaways: Homeschooling, X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back
Why? Pichelli is an Italian artist who recently blew up in America with a number of Marvel series, usually with Kathryn Immonen (another person who deserves to be a superstar). While her Marvel books tend to feature teen characters, something she’s pretty good at to be fair, but she’s also good at drawing adults. If I had to pick two things that make her great, I’d say it’s her attention to hair, something mainstream comics artists generally render as a big block of ugly, and the way she nails body language. Look at Poison Ivy’s hair in any of the drawings, particularly the Cruella de Vil buns, Emma Frost’s tangle of hair, or Zatanna’s tangles. For body language, look at Batman’s open mouth and Poison Ivy’s arched back in sp-bat-ivy.jpg, the relaxed but sad look in sp-sunday02.jpg, everything in sp-womandriving02.jpg (someone please get Pichelli to draw a crime comic), and the hands wrapped around the man’s head in sp-fuck.jpg.
Streetwear Snow White is great, too. I’d read a whole book about that.

I really loved Pichelli’s work on the recent Namora one-shot. Many comic artists tend to approach underwater stories with a drab, dark kind of sensibility. But, she and her colorist finally delivered the bright, colorful aquatic world I’ve been dying to see in comics.
snow white street fighter style FUGG YEH
Huh…good stuff. Though apparently using Lady Gaga as the Emma Frost facial model is a bit off-kilter :raise:
There is something about European artists that all look like they have been trained in animation. This ensures that they have a great concept of body language. I love the colored Poison Ivy piece and the Snow White. I too would read a whole book of that story. She looks bad ass!
I presume that if a male artist produced a drawing of a young boy sitting on the bloody corpse of a middle-aged woman, you wouldn’t write about his work with quite the same note of enthusiasm.
@Joe S. Walker: I absolutely would, especially considering the fact that two of my favorite series right now, Unknown Soldier and Jormungand, are either all about child soldiers or feature them heavily.
But if you got something to say, you should just say it straight, instead of implying that I’m a hypocrite.
Also the top panel is of Snow White sitting on the Evil Queen. So your attempt to make a subtle dig using gender reversal of the image and artist fails on multiple levels…