Friday Fun Linkblogging
April 30th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: kate dacey, linkblogging, music, Music Videos, nina stone, tucker stoneThe Boondocks returns on Sunday 🙂 I don’t have cable, so I can’t watch it live, but please believe I’m excited. On to the links!
–Paul DeBenedetto and Marc-Oliver Frisch take me to task for my Death to Canon post the other day. They raise some good points. I do want to say, as a meager defense, that I don’t hate the idea of the narrative, I just hate that perfectly good tales don’t get read because they aren’t important. That’s silly to me. I think we should treat all stories with the same level of importance. That was the point of the Spider-Man Noir vs Amazing Spider-Man comparison. I should have expressed that better. You should definitely read their posts, though. They say a lot of good things.
–Tucker Stone talks about comics, ads, and audiences.
–Nina Stone serves up a good review of American Vampire, a series I have been enjoying much, much more than I expected to. I’m hoping Vertigo’s got another hit on its hands, because I want to see this one continue. That’s a good review there, you can see exactly what she likes about it.
-Kate Dacey’s Manga Critic turned one! Kate’s great.
-Look at this lady talking like an idiot in public! Let Obama define himself, stay up out of his business.
-Music video!
Lupe Fiasco – I’m Beaming
–Pac Div’s new mixtape is heat rocks. It’s free music. Go on ahead and get that.
“I don’t hate the idea of the narrative, I just hate that perfectly good tales don’t get read because they aren’t important. That’s silly to me. I think we should treat all stories with the same level of importance.”
Complete agreement on that part. At some point, I gave up on trying to be “up-to-date” with the Marvel stuff and started spending more money on comics that didn’t mainly interest me because they were “important.” I think I’ve been a happier comics reader since.
Not that being up-to-date isn’t fun, but when it involves spending so much time and money on those particular books that there’s no room for anything else, it’s not for me anymore. Thanks for the shout-out, too!
I’m looking forward to the final season on Sunday. I made a poster and posted it on the TWoP forums based on the “Dick Riding Obama” video (featuring will.i.am and Thuggnificent, believe it or not), and I included a bunch of other posters that I made in the past.
@Jason: What’s the url? You left it out of your link.
I think I’m mostly just upset Obama didn’t fill in “Cimmerian” on his census.
Thanks for the shout-out here, David. I was awfully afraid my post would sound like I was slagging you off, and I’m glad you didn’t take it that way since I actually agree with your opinions here more often than not. I think I can sum up my general feelings on the subject like this: I absolutely wish more books I loved, and that don’t necessarily get the “continuity bump”, had more readers. To me, though, it’s more a case of fans making the market rather than market manipulation. That is, I think Marvel and DC put together these big crossovers and are overly concerned with canon because most people want that, not the other way around.
As usual guys like Frisch make a reasonable argument while I would have babbled like an idiot.
also so psyched for Boondocks
@david brothers: Try here: http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=3142036&view=findpost&p=12853839
Thanks for the shout-out, David! BTW, do you want your copy of Bokurano: Ours back, or should I offer it to some lucky reader? I finally got my review posted…
@Katherine Dacey: Nope, offer away! I really enjoyed the review, too.
I agree that Obama and others ought to be able to self-identify. At what point does a mixture of ethnicities reach the point that one can just choose which ever traits appear dominant in oneself and which are consistent with one’s genetic heritage?
Answer: Any time and every time.