Fourcast! 27: Fresh for 2010
January 4th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: podcasts
We took some time off (okay), and now we’re back y’all (that’s right)! You in the line at the club, we in the back, dawg!
-Chris Eckert would like you to know that the Fourcast! is untrustworthy.
-Theme music: 6th Sense’s 4a.m. Instrumental
-It’s a year in review show! Where we fight to not talk about years other than 2009!
-(I cut a ten minute digression where we ended up as far back as the ’80s, for example.)
-We talk about resolutions (for other people), hopes and (pipe) dreams, what we liked in ’09, and what we’re looking forward to in ’10. The answers might (won’t) surprise you!
-This one ran just under an hour. We’ll be back to our normal running time next week.
Also, since we’re at the top of a new year… any requests for topics? Leave them in the comments and we’ll see what we can do.
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most out of place ending in any cartoon movie ever