And keep them heels off my whitewalls, girl, dang!
December 28th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: afrodisiac, black canary, brian maruca, Green Arrow, jim rugg, street angelCheck out this cover by Jim Rugg.
Dope, right? Jim Rugg is crazy talented. He has a comics set on Flickr, so go and look at more of his pieces there.
And tune in this time next week for something special. Gonna kick off 2010 with a bang.
Any Best Comics Of The Comics Decade list of comics – superhero or otherwise, (but esp. superhero) – that doesn’t have Street Angel on it ain’t a list worth readin’.
Did the new book come out? I saw it on AdHouse Books’ site as a “December 2009” release, but my LCS didn’t get it… did any?