Con Bound
July 22nd, 2009 by Esther Inglis-Arkell | Tags: comic conI am off to San Diego.
In the last Fourcast, I related past incredibly embarrassing meetings with creators.
I’d like some stories about your own meetings with creator, or con experiences, good and bad.
You’re on.
Bad combo: younger-Syrg being highly in the “socially awkward” camp, losing a bet one year and having to attend Comic-Con in drag, and meeting an artist I won’t name who I was fond of.
I can only imagine how the dude felt seeing this… jesus, was I 15? 16? year old kid going “You-you’re… damn, man. Shit. Awesome. Damn.” in front of him in awful, horrible hair extensions, with lopsided fake titties and a drab skirt.
(hope you guys enjoy this year’s, perhaps we will cross paths)
I once attended a con with George Perez and Brian Azzarello way back when I was just starting to get into comics. I asked Perez “Will you ever try your hand at writing?” and Azzarello “Do you miss 100 Bullets?” since for some reason I thought it was finished, this was around 2002. And these were at Q&A panels.
At least I got my Little Endless Storybook signed by Jill Thompson.
Not a con story, but embarrassing meeting story – Golden Apple did a signing with Grant Morrison and Richard Metzger (Metzger was putting out a book in which he interviews Morrison) – at the time I had just gotten back into reading comics, and really liked Morrison’s work, so I decided to go and meet him. I pretty much had no idea what type of person he was, what he looked like, etc., but there was a picture on the flyer. So I went and when I finally got to the front and met the guy in the picture, I preceded to tell him how much of a fan I was of the various comics he was working on at the time. The response back was a blank stare, and that’s when I discovered that the picture on the flyer was of Metzger, not Morrison. I was completely embarrassed, and managed only to respond that I was sure he was cool too, and wound up buying his book in order to save face.
I don’t have any of my own stories to share, but I saw Mark Waid had a story about meeting with a fan that I saw on Cup of Joe, and I thought it was worth adding to the discussion: