Here’s My Late Pass for the Surrogates Trailer
June 5th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: brett weldele, movies, robert venditti, top shelfThis came out a couple weeks ago, and I actually saw it when I saw Terminator Salvation, but here’s a link to the trailer for The Surrogates, an adaptation of the graphic novel by Robert Venditti and Brett Weldele, courtesy of Top Shelf Productions. If you don’t want to click (lazy!), you can press play on the video below. I can’t decide if this trailer or the trailer for the movie that had Mike Tyson singing (what was that called?) was the best part of Terminator: Salvation (ka-zing!).
The Hangover. Mike Tyson air-drums along to “In the Air Tonight” in the trailer then knocks out Zach Galifianakis with one punch.
I first I was like “What the fuck” to Bruce Willis’ hair piece but then I lol’d when he was unplugged.
I loved the transformer and there isno way another movie this sumer will touch it!