Harley Quinn & Humor?
May 15th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: guillem march, harley quinn, paul dini, pauseGUILLEM MARCH: I like drawing females, but there were a risk of doing a silly series about boobs and butts jumping over the buildings. Once I knew Paul Dini was the writer, I couldn’t be happier. Also I was a little worried, because previous stories with Harley Quinn had a humorous tone that wouldn’t fit with what I’d like to draw, but Dini’s ideas for the story are great, the characters are treated very seriously, and I’m very excited working on this project.

Naw, son.
Well in his defense, he’s talking about having received an assignment offer that he wasn’t sure he could draw effectively.
Still, seeing her written seriously will be um, novel.
Most likely he meant slapstick humor like something you see in a Johnny DC title, I’m sure this will have as much humor as Harley usually gets in the DCU.
Time will tell.
He said “previous stories with Harley Quinn” had a certain kind of humorous tone he wasn’t interested in. The bulk of Harley stories were told in her series, which maintained a kind of light and funny tone with occasional dips into seriousness. The last arc got pretty dark, I recall.
So, no, I don’t think he was referring to Johnny DC at all. It’s kind of inexplicable that he was worried about having to draw comedy in a book starring Harley Quinn, a character who is a lighter and slightly less crazy version of the Joker.
I doubt they’re going to write her as seriously as she was written when AJ Lieberman took over the book, but I doubt she’s gonna be as wacky as she was in, Harley and Ivy or whatever.
I’m fine with this, an even mix of both is acceptable.
Admittely, I haven’t been following Harley in the comic books, but she was at her best in the animated series when she was… well… comical. I tend to giggle when I think of Batman’s funeral, for example.
Am I missing something, or is a serious Harley like Wolverine with sporks instead of claws?
I was talking about a comedy vs. something with comedy. I don’t see a title with Poison Ivy and Catwoman being a comedy even with Harley but I can see it having comedy. In any case we’ll know soon enough.
I wonder what you think about his thoughts on cheesecake.
It just hit me…
Marvel and DC need to put their differences aside and do another crossover. Why? Because Deadpool and Harley could be this decade’s Robin and Jubilee. I wonder what the media would call them. Quinpool? Wadezel? Harlson?
Dude, I’ve been shipping them since I was fifteen. It’s so OBVIOUS.
Oh my gosh, Gavok, I believe I has a fanfic to be writin’.