Four years and running…
April 12th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: 4thletter is...I had a weird realization at some point last week, I think it was. I started writing about comics a little over four years ago on livejournal, in January 2005, and moved to blogger and my own URL on March 25. I drafted Gav and another friend to help write and we puttered along until September ’05, where we petered out. In November, I moved the blog to WordPress, losing the blogger posts in the process, and relaunched. Check the rhyme. Once we got going, we kept going. I’m not even remotely happy with my old posts, but that’s just me. Four years later and a couple roster changes later and we’ve got a great crew, varied tastes, and writers I would read even if this weren’t my blog.
4l! has a new logo now, courtesy of my friend Adam Rosenlund. I asked, he delivered, and I left impressed. We’re reworking the headers to fit the new logo, too. Rather than doing a cool comics scene or something super dialogue heavy, we’re going to post ones that are just great examples of comics art. The four we have up for this week are pretty easy. There’s a cool Reed Richards panel, a Venom bit for Gav, a Batgirl for Esther, and a Peter Parker for me. We’ll keep it moving with these, so that there’s always something new for you to see up top.
I’m thinking of new things for 4l! for 2009. I already have some things in the works, but give me time. If you absolutely can’t get enough of us, you can follow me on Twitter for a daily dose of disrespect and music references.
Looks great, man. I am really loving the new logo. Congrats on four years!
Yeah, new logo looks great,any chance we could commission Adam to do one for our blog? Email me if hes interested.
Congrats on four years, david. Feels funny to think that I’ve been reading Gavok and your works for almost eight years now. Here’s to more!
can we submit cool images for the headers? They’d still be up for you to pick of course.
Logo is cool, btw.
I love this blog!
The best part about the new headers (which are looking pretty good) is that they say what comic they’re from now. I was curious about some of the old ones for a long time. Now I don’t have to wonder. Thanks.